Some questions you may meet

1.Please describe your motivation and reasons for applying and why you desire this position. (max. 1,000 characters)

When I was in the second year of my undergraduate, I first visited the chinese communications exhibition. SK’ show was impressive, which showed us the future of the communications. At that time, I thought SK was a creative company, and if I had the chance, I’d like to be one part of that kind of company.

In the past three years, I was doing some research on OFDM systems and took part in some project, such as Intel Project (Pilot design and Channel estimator for OFDMA uplink (two papers)), ETRI Project (Low sensitive cooperative strategy on channel error) and National 863 High-Tech. Project of B3G (Channel estimation for Gbps system (one patent)). Besides, I master basic theories in mobile communication field and proficient in the key technologies of B3G Physical Layer, especially in MIMO, OFDM, fields. I am also following 3GPP LTE, 802.16 protocols, especially in Physical Layer and have a sound understanding of GSM, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA protocols. The outstanding creativity and learning ability for three years of Link-level research experience make me more confident. So now, I have a very match background to apply a position of SK and I like the creative company and the research job.

2.Self Assessment (Please describe your strengths and weaknesses. max. 1,000 character)


Ihave solid basic knowledge especially math and always be the Rank 1 student.

Experienced in organizing and managing projects. Full of teamwork spirit and learning ablity. Excellent English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Proficient in C and MATLAB languages. Understand C++ language and adept in Office Applications.

Take some social activities. I was the chairman of Tele. School Student Union, League branch

secretary of Tele. School Grade 02, etc. Good at communicate with other people.

I have been a trainee in Ericsson and Td-tech. Doing some research on LTE and LTE-advance.


I am a little stubborn. I will insist on my opinion no matter who is the other. This will make other uncomfortable. And also I am a critical person. Be too strict with other people and myself. Try to do everything ideal both myself and others. So some times. I am not trust others and try to do everything myself or check everything again.

3.Reflect upon difficult experiences in groups or meetings that cause you personal difficulties,
   and describe in detail the situation, your personal actions, and the end results. (max. 1,200 characters)
   A) When, in which group, and how long did you work there?
   B) What was the difficult experience, and what opportunities did it pose?
   C) How did your efforts impact the group?

When I was in the first year of my graduate study, I was in the National 863 High-Tech. Project of B3G. I was with responsibility for channel estimation. Until then, I had been the group for half a year.

The members who were with responsibility of hardware implement told me that I was too difficult to carry out the pre- arithmetic and the assumptions were not effective. So our part became the challenge of the whole system. But I couldn’t resolve it myself. I discussed with other people in the project. The discussion gave us some thought. So I did some simulations to prove the thought. In these days, I worked into middle night and kept on think when I was lying on the bed. Everything comes to him who waits. Thanks to the colleague, I worked it out. Then I applied for a patent and also wrote a paper which published in VTC later.

With my research, the project worked smoothly.

4.Not including physical challenges, please describe in detail the most difficult experience you have had in your life,   your actions, and the end results. (max. 1,200 characters)
   A) When and what opportunities and challenges did you face?
   B) In detail, what actions did you take to overcome this challenge?
   C) What were the end results?

In the third year of my high school, I got the first prize of the national math contest. And I got the opportunity to enter college without entrance exam. I got the offer of almost all the universities except Tsinghua University, which was my dreaming university. Everyone wanted to escape from the final entrance exam. Me too. But when I realized that I had one chance to enter Tsinghua, that was taking the entrance exam. I decided to take the exam just for the chance. The third year of high school was tough. I studied in the middle night with electric torch (I was in a board school) and got up in 5am in the morning. Seeing other students who needn’t take the exam live a so easily life, I insisted. It was the hardest time in my life but I was full of energy.

Unfortunately, I failed the exam. I had ever questioned myself, but quickly accepted the reality. I was busying finding other universities and finally got the offer of Beiyou where I am now. I realized it was not that important of entering which college but doing the most like things—the same major applying for Tshinghua. Luckly. Beiyou is another best college at communications. I am one of the best students in this major now.
