Startup Standalone Hadoop Mode

Startup Standalone Hadoop Mode

Format your HDFS byusing the command before launch Hadoop,

$ bin/hadoopnamenode -format

[JRockit] Localmanagement server started.

13/07/22 21:30:08INFO namenode.NameNode: STARTUP_MSG:


STARTUP_MSG:Starting NameNode

STARTUP_MSG: host = retailvm1d/

STARTUP_MSG: args = [-format]

STARTUP_MSG: version = 1.1.2

STARTUP_MSG: build = -r 1440782;compiled by 'hortonfo' on Thu Jan 31 02:03:24 UTC 2013


13/07/22 21:30:09INFO util.GSet: VM type = 64-bit

13/07/22 21:30:09INFO util.GSet: 2% max memory = 20.0 MB

13/07/22 21:30:09INFO util.GSet: capacity = 2^21 =2097152 entries

13/07/22 21:30:09INFO util.GSet: recommended=2097152, actual=2097152

13/07/22 21:30:10INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: fsOwner=yj70978

13/07/22 21:30:10INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: supergroup=supergroup

13/07/22 21:30:10INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: isPermissionEnabled=true

13/07/22 21:30:10INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: dfs.block.invalidate.limit=100

13/07/22 21:30:10INFO namenode.FSNamesystem: isAccessTokenEnabled=falseaccessKeyUpdateInterval=0 min(s), accessTokenLifetime=0 min(s)

13/07/22 21:30:10INFO namenode.NameNode: Caching file names occuring more than 10 times

13/07/22 21:30:11INFO common.Storage: Image file of size 113 saved in 0 seconds.

13/07/22 21:30:11INFO namenode.FSEditLog: closing edit log: position=4,editlog=/tmp/hadoop-yj70978/dfs/name/current/edits

13/07/22 21:30:11INFO namenode.FSEditLog: close success: truncate to 4,editlog=/tmp/hadoop-yj70978/dfs/name/current/edits

13/07/22 21:30:12INFO common.Storage: Storage directory /tmp/hadoop-yj70978/dfs/name has beensuccessfully formatted.

13/07/22 21:30:12INFO namenode.NameNode: SHUTDOWN_MSG:


SHUTDOWN_MSG:Shutting down NameNode at retailvm1d/


We can now launchthe daemons by use of the script. The Java jps command will listall daemons to verify the setup was successful.

$ bin/

starting namenode,logging to/home/yj70978/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/../logs/hadoop-yj70978-namenode-retailvm1d.out


localhost: You areauthorized to use this System for approved business purposes only.

localhost: Use forany other purpose is prohibited. All transactional records, reports,

localhost: email,software and other data generated by or residing upon this System,

localhost: to theextent permitted by local law, are the property of Citigroup Inc.

localhost: or oneof its subsidiaries or their affiliates

localhost:(individually or collectively ' Citigroup ') and may be used by Citigroup

localhost: for anypurpose authorized and permissible in your country of work.

localhost:Activities on this System are monitored to the extent permitted by local law.



localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: startingdatanode, logging to /home/yj70978/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/../logs/hadoop-yj70978-datanode-retailvm1d.out


localhost: You areauthorized to use this System for approved business purposes only.

localhost: Use forany other purpose is prohibited. All transactional records, reports,

localhost: email,software and other data generated by or residing upon this System,

localhost: to theextent permitted by local law, are the property of Citigroup Inc.

localhost: or oneof its subsidiaries or their affiliates

localhost: (individuallyor collectively ' Citigroup ') and may be used by Citigroup

localhost: for anypurpose authorized and permissible in your country of work.

localhost:Activities on this System are monitored to the extent permitted by local law.



localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: startingsecondarynamenode, logging to/home/yj70978/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/../logs/hadoop-yj70978-secondarynamenode-retailvm1d.out

startingjobtracker, logging to/home/yj70978/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/../logs/hadoop-yj70978-jobtracker-retailvm1d.out


localhost: You areauthorized to use this System for approved business purposes only.

localhost: Use forany other purpose is prohibited. All transactional records, reports,

localhost: email,software and other data generated by or residing upon this System,

localhost: to theextent permitted by local law, are the property of Citigroup Inc.

localhost: or oneof its subsidiaries or their affiliates

localhost:(individually or collectively ' Citigroup ') and may be used by Citigroup

localhost: for anypurpose authorized and permissible in your country of work.

localhost:Activities on this System are monitored to the extent permitted by local law.



localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: startingtasktracker, logging to/home/yj70978/hadoop/hadoop-1.1.2/libexec/../logs/hadoop-yj70978-tasktracker-retailvm1d.out

When you’vefinished with Hadoop you can shut down the Hadoop daemons by the command

$ ./

no jobtracker tostop


localhost: You areauthorized to use this System for approved business purposes only.

localhost: Use forany other purpose is prohibited. All transactional records, reports,

localhost: email,software and other data generated by or residing upon this System,

localhost: to theextent permitted by local law, are the property of Citigroup Inc.

localhost: or oneof its subsidiaries or their affiliates

localhost:(individually or collectively ' Citigroup ') and may be used by Citigroup

localhost: for anypurpose authorized and permissible in your country of work.

localhost:Activities on this System are monitored to the extent permitted by local law.



localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: notasktracker to stop

no namenode to stop


localhost: You areauthorized to use this System for approved business purposes only.

localhost: Use forany other purpose is prohibited. All transactional records, reports,

localhost: email,software and other data generated by or residing upon this System,

localhost: to theextent permitted by local law, are the property of Citigroup Inc.

localhost: or oneof its subsidiaries or their affiliates

localhost:(individually or collectively ' Citigroup ') and may be used by Citigroup

localhost: for anypurpose authorized and permissible in your country of work.

localhost:Activities on this System are monitored to the extent permitted by local law.



localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: nodatanode to stop


localhost: You areauthorized to use this System for approved business purposes only.

localhost: Use forany other purpose is prohibited. All transactional records, reports,

localhost: email,software and other data generated by or residing upon this System,

localhost: to theextent permitted by local law, are the property of Citigroup Inc.

localhost: or oneof its subsidiaries or their affiliates

localhost:(individually or collectively ' Citigroup ') and may be used by Citigroup

localhost: for anypurpose authorized and permissible in your country of work.

localhost:Activities on this System are monitored to the extent permitted by local law.



localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: PAMAuthentication


localhost: nosecondarynamenode to stop

Both standalone andpseudo-distributed modes are for development and debugging purposes. An actualHadoop cluster runs in the third mode, the fully distributed mode.
