jee6 学习笔记 4 - JSF2 Page Navigation

JSF2 navigation can be done in couple of ways:

1. in the action bean, directly return page filename to "forward"(default) to, or "redirect"(need to define) to:
// a "forward"(default behavior) example.
public String yourActionMethod() {
  // do your business

  // return the page to "forward" to
  // 1. also working: "nextPage", "nextPage.jsf"(if mapping to .jsf)
  // 2. if not in same folder, relative/full path required: "path_to_page/nextPage.xhtml"
  return "nextPage.xhtml";  // this is in same folder

// a "redirect"(thus a new request sent from client) example.
public String yourActionMethod() {
  // do your business

  // return the page to "redirect" to. 
  // this might be useful to get new result after done insertion, update etc. 
  return "nextPage.xhtml?faces-redirect=true";  

2. define the page in UI component, like commandButton, attribute "action":
<h:commandButton value="Go Search" action="/search/doSearch.xhtml"/>

3. in the "faces-config.xml. this is same to JSF1.2 and disgusting.
