have extracted the relevant parts of my model and I got to something
that could become a FAQ item or a tutorial or an addition to the docs?
The question is which and where? Here is the code. The one thing that
still puzzles me is that I had to move my State table declaration
before Policy as using "State.code" or something similar didn't work.
class State(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'state'
code = Column(String(2), primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(50))
class Policy(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'policy'
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
state_of_policy_code = Column(String(2) ,ForeignKey('state.code'))
state_of_domicile_code = Column(String(2) ,ForeignKey('state.code'))
policy_state =
relation('State',backref='state_policies',primaryjoin=state_of_policy_code= =State.code)
domicile_state =
relation('State',backref='domicile_policies',primaryjoin=state_of_domicile_ code==State.code)
#test code to ran, maybe in a python shell for proper feedback.
ny = model.State()
ny.code = 'ny'
fl = model.State()
fl.code = 'fl'
p = model.Policy()
p.policy_state = ny
p.domicile_state = fl
model.DBSession.flush()#note this is TurboGears place for SQLAlchemy's
session object.
you can use strings with Python in them when you use declarative even
class Policy(DeclarativeBase):
__tablename__ = 'policy'
policy_state =
relation('State',backref='state_policies',primaryjoin="Policy.state_of_poli cy_code==State.code")
domicile_state =
relation('State',backref='domicile_policies',primaryjoin="Policy.state_of_d omicile_code==State.code")
this would eliminate the need to have your classes in a particular