
 have extracted the relevant parts of my model and I got to something 
that could become a FAQ item or a tutorial or an addition to the docs? 
The question is which and where? Here is the code. The one thing that 
still puzzles me is that I had to move my State table declaration 
before Policy as using "State.code" or something similar didn't work.

class State(DeclarativeBase): 
    __tablename__ = 'state'

    code = Column(String(2), primary_key=True) 
    name = Column(String(50))

class Policy(DeclarativeBase): 
    __tablename__ = 'policy'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 
    state_of_policy_code = Column(String(2) ,ForeignKey('state.code')) 
    state_of_domicile_code = Column(String(2) ,ForeignKey('state.code')) 
    policy_state = 
relation('State',backref='state_policies',primaryjoin=state_of_policy_code= =State.code) 
    domicile_state = 
relation('State',backref='domicile_policies',primaryjoin=state_of_domicile_ code==State.code)

#test code to ran, maybe in a python shell for proper feedback. 
ny = model.State() 
ny.code = 'ny' 
fl = model.State() 
fl.code = 'fl' 
p = model.Policy() 
p.policy_state = ny 
p.domicile_state = fl 
model.DBSession.flush()#note this is TurboGears place for SQLAlchemy's 
session object. 


you can use strings with Python in them when you use declarative even 
with args like primaryjoin, so you could say things like: 

class Policy(DeclarativeBase): 
    __tablename__ = 'policy'

    policy_state = 
relation('State',backref='state_policies',primaryjoin="Policy.state_of_poli cy_code==State.code") 
    domicile_state = 
relation('State',backref='domicile_policies',primaryjoin="Policy.state_of_d omicile_code==State.code")

this would eliminate the need to have your classes in a particular 
