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原文出处: http://brianlicn.appspot.com/2010/07/9/introduction_to_recommender_system.html

个性化推荐系统是一门由数据挖掘(Data Mining)和机器学习(Machine Learning)综合的学科。毕竟现在在很多的公司存在着很多的数据,如何从很多的数据中挖掘出来模式(Pattern)或者叫做知识 (Knowledge)是很重要的工作。就如同在WEKA的书中,由Microsoft的牛人说的,如果从数据Data中提取出来信息 (Information),然后从Information中提取出知识Knowledge是很重要的工作。对这些数据进行处理,主要是有三方面的处理: 即协同过滤(Collaborative Filtering), 分类(Classification)和聚类(Clustering)。下面这块主要是来探讨第一类, 协同过滤,也就是个性化推荐系统。通常很多时候将recommendation engine也说成为Collaborative Filtering (CF)。 就是协同来过滤,过滤一些不需要的东西,将留下来的就是需要推荐的内容。

RWW 上对现有的个性化推荐系统进行分类,其主要是分成如下的4类:

All recommendation engines are trying to solve the following problem: given a set of ratings for a particular user, along with those of the whole user base, come up with new items that this user will like. There are many algorithms that can be applied to the problem, but all of them focus on three elements: personal, social and fundamental :

  • Personalized recommendation - recommend things based on the individual's past behavior
  • Social recommendation - recommend things based on the past behavior of similar users
  • Item recommendation - recommend things based on the item itself
  • A combination of the three approaches above


所有的推荐引擎就是为了解决如下的问题:输入为给出一个特定用户的打分集合(ratings),以及所有的用户的打分情况,输出为该特点用户感兴趣 的商品等信息(Items)。对于该问题,出来了很多的算法,但是这些算法集中于如下的3种情况: personal, social, fundamental

  • personalized recommendation (个性化推荐):基于该特点用户的过去的行为来进行推荐
  • social recommendation (社会化推荐): 基于有相似兴趣等的用户的行为来进行推荐
  • item recommendation (商品推荐): 基于商品(Item)本身来进行推荐
  • 集合上面3种情况的推荐 

上面列出来的personalized recommendation和social recommendation,其实可以合并为User-based Recommendation,结合Item-based recommendation和memory-based recommendation(RWW上没有说)是当前的3大推荐。现在著名的机器学习开源实现mahout 暂时是实现了前两者。

其中social recommendation的经典之作为Toby Segaran 所写的Programming Collective Intelligence - Building Smart Web 2.0 Applications ,实战型非常 强,告诉你如何去获取数据,存储数据,分析数据,很推荐,编程语言是使用Python,非常易懂。如果暂时没有空来看巨作的话,可以先看看其放出来的 PPT文档, Mining Social Data for Fun and Insight 。也可以看看另外一个 slides,Item Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms 。也可以参考看看CMU的一个综述slidesm, Collaborative Filtering: A Tutorial ,下载链接为www.cs.cmu.edu/~wcohen/collab-filtering -tutorial .ppt

最后,列出一些常见的有关推荐系统的资源(从谷文栋的博客 上转的)


  1. Recommender System
  2. Collaborative Filtering
  3. Long Tail

Groups & Researchers:

  1. GroupLens Lab
  2. Karypis Lab
  3. Thomas Hofmann
  4. David M. Pennock


  1. RecSys 2007
  2. KDD Cup and Workshop 2007

Selected Papers:

  1. Paul Resnick , GroupLens — An Open Architecture for Collaborative Filtering of Netnews
  2. Badrul Sarwar , Item-based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms
  3. Greg Linden , Amazon.com Recommendations: Item-to-Item Collaborative Filtering
  4. Thomas Hofmann , Latent Semantic Models for Collaborative Filtering
  5. 4 googlers, Google News Personalization – Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering


  1. Greg Linden
  2. Daniel Lemire
  3. Duke Listens!

Software Libraries:

  1. Taste, Java, http://taste.sf.net/ (注: 这是mahout在CF方面的前身,现在请直接访问mahout , http://mahout.apache.org/)
  2. Beyond Thoth , C#, http://sf.net/projects/beyondthoth/


  1. Stanford CS345: Data Mining
  2. http://del.icio.us/tag/collaborativefiltering
  3. http://del.icio.us/tag/recommendersystem

完全以个性化技术为中心的书籍很少,但多数讲 Machine Learning 或者 Data Mining 的书籍里面,都会有专门的章节,介绍与此相关的内容。

  1. Programming Collective Intelligence , Toby Segaran , O'Reilly, 2007.8
  2. Personalization Techniques and Recommender Systems , Gulden Uchyigit , World Scientific, 2008.4
