Internship interviw offered by Atos

  I will have a interview offered by Atos. I try to write down what I have prepared here.
  Atos is a french company. It is a leading IT service company providing consulting, system integration, outsourcing solutions.-deliving business globally. Annual revenue 5.4 million euro. Over 50.000 employee, in 40 countries worldwide.
   The department I will get in is Atos BSI (business solution and innovation) which is inside Atos Market Public sector. It delivers lower costs and higher effectiveness for Public Service. And Public Service must provide users, suppliers and the public an efficient and transparent infrastructure at any time and in any place. To achieve the efficiency and the cost cutting levels required, sourcing is always on the agenda. Atos Origin has long had a focus on the Public sector, with specialist expertise in Central, Regional and Local Government, Defence and Education.
   Next I will show my presentation, it is a short self-introduction. My name is DONG. am a software engieer from CNAM. I have been learing software engineering for 5 years. I am familiar with Java, C++ and UNIX environment and I also have some experiences in J2EE. I am engaged in network programming and I once participated in a project regarding communication protocol used for communication between two metro stations. I would like to master and strengthen my skills in the internship and finally improve my competences. I am a quick learner and I am interested in new technologies. Besides, I am fascinated by the French living style and I hope I can gain some experiences in management in the company.

1. Do you ever work in a team? What’s the biggest problem during the team?
2. Why do you come to France?
3. Do you have a career plan?
4. On what do you think you may rely to fulfil the required job?
5. Why are you interested to work for our company?
6. What do you know about our company?
7. what can you bring to the company?

The game is starting, if you want to join in, please follow the rule!
