dojo and ajax

XHR has limitations. The big one is that url: is not cross-domain: you can't submit the request outside of the current host (eg: to url:"" ). It is a known limitation and a common mistake when getting excited about Ajax.


function init(){
        content:{param1: 'value'},
        load:function(resp, ioArgs){


Some import configurations:

url: URL to server endpoint.

load: Optional. Process what server return.

error: Optional.When error happen, call this function.

content: Optional. Contains properties with string values. These properties will be serialized as name1=value2 and passed in the request.

handleAs: Optional. how we handle what is coming back. Acceptable values are: text (default), json, json-comment-optional, json-comment-filtered, javascript, xml.返回的数据如何处理

form: the form to submit.(url和form二选一)

preventCache: Optional. Default is false. If true, then a "dojo.preventCache" parameter is sent in the request with a value that changes with each request (timestamp). Useful only with GET-type requests.

sync: Optional. false is default. Indicates whether the request should be a synchronous (blocking) request.(为true则会等这个request处理完才会继续执行)

timeout: Optional. Milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time passes, the then error callbacks are called.



All Dojo XHR methods are bi-directional. The only difference is the method. Using dojo.xhrPost , we use the POST method, embedding the data in the request (as opposed to the query string as with dojo.xhrGet ). 

Submit the form

<form id=”loginForm”>

       Name:<input type=”text” id=”firstName”/>


add in some JavaScript to submit the form by using dojo.connect to listen to the native onSubmit event and then post the contents of the form to an alternate URL:

var formSubmit=function(e){

       e.preventDefaut(); //prevent form submit


       url: “ajaxServlet”,

       form : “mainForm”,

       handleAs : “text”,

       handle : function(data, args){






       var theForm = dojo.byId(“loginForm”);

       dojo.connect(theForm, “onclick”, formSubmit);


Getting text back from the server is nice, but the really great stuff comes when you start passing JavaScript objects around. Using a different handleAs : “json”, we can alter how Dojo handles the response data.



content: {a: 11, b: 22}

String p1 = request.getParameter("a");



function sendForm(){

    url: "uploadservlet", //form's action, 如果url 或action 设定任意一个即可

    method: "post", //form's method

    form: "myForm", //form's id

    load: function(response, ioArgs){ //succeed }



<form id="myForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="uploadServlet">

    Name: <input type="text" name="name"/>

    File: <input type="file" name="theFile"/>

    <button onclick="sendForm();">Submit</button>

