获取用户的msn和邮箱联系人列表,支持的邮箱包括hotmail, gmail, yahoo, sohu, sina, 163, 126, tom, yeah, 189和139。
contactlist项目源代码在 , google code svn不再更新
contactlist提供web api调用,必须使用HTTP POST请求,接口如下:
url : https : // parameters : account = xxx@gmail . com & password = xxxx & type = gmail
{ 'contacts' : [{ 'username' : 'yyy' , 'email' : '[email protected]' }, { 'username' : 'zzz' , 'email' : '[email protected]' }]}
{ 'error' : 'hotmail protocol changed' }
try { ContactsImporter importer = ContactsImporterFactory . getHotmailContacts ( username , password ); List < Contact > contacts = importer . getContacts (); for ( Contact contact : contacts ) { System . out . println ( contact . getUsername () + ": " + contact . getEmail ()); } } catch ( ContactsException ex ) { ex . printStackTrace (); }
项目的输出统一为UTF-8。 对于运行在locale为UTF-8环境(如:Ubuntu, Mac OS X)下的程序,无需任何调整。 对于运行在locale为GBK环境(如:Windows XP)下的程序,需要手动调整编码:
try { ContactsImporter importer = ContactsImporterFactory . getHotmailContacts ( username , password ); List < Contact > contacts = importer . getContacts (); for ( Contact contact : contacts ) { String username = new String ( contact . getUsername (). getBytes ( "UTF-8" ), "GBK" ); System . out . println ( username + ": " + contact . getEmail ()); } } catch ( ContactsException ex ) { ex . printStackTrace (); }
contact-list类库依赖包之commons-httpclient --
contact-list类库依赖包之msnmlib --
contact-list类库依赖包之json --
contact-list类库依赖包之gdata --
出于安全的考虑,没有把单元测试中的邮箱配置文件和msn配置文件放到svn上,如果需要运行mvn test的话,可以按以下步骤:
1. 新建src/test/resources/email.properties文件,形式如下:
gmail . username = xxx@gmail . com gmail . password = yyy hotmail . username = xxx@hotmail . com hotmail . password = yyy livecn . username = xxx@live . cn livecn . password = yyy onesixthree . username = xxx@163 . com onesixthree . password = yyy onetwosix . username = xxx@126 . com onetwosix . password = yyy sina . username = xxx@sina . com sina . password = yyy sohu . username = xxx@sohu . com sohu . password = yyy tom . username = xxx@tom . com tom . password = yyy yahoo . username = xxx@yahoo . com yahoo . password = yyy yahoocn . username = xxx@yahoo . cn yahoocn . password = yyy yahoocomcn . username = xxx@yahoo . com . cn yahoocomcn . password = yyy yeah . username = xxx@yeah . net yeah . password = yyy oneeightnine . username = xxx@189 . cn oneeightnine . password = yyy onethreenine . username = xxx@139 . com oneeightnine . password = yyy
2. 新建src/test/resources/msn.properties文件,形式如下:
username = xxx@live . cn password = yyy
3. 在命令行执行mvn test
First public release
Fix issue that hotmail can only get first page contact list
Fix issue for some special sohu mail account
Fix issue that 163 mail can only get other group contacts
Fix issue that 126 and yeah mail can only get other group contacts
Add 189 and 139 mail support
Meet another style 189 mail and add 139 mail importer to ContactsImporterFactory
Get google contacts by gdata api
Get hotmail contacts by windows live contacts api
Better parser for yahoo and tom mail
Use passportName as email for hotmail
Fix 139 for web change and fix 126 and yeah mail when username is empty
Get msn contacts by window live contacts api
需要留言的话,可以上 ,我会尽快回复的
由 于这个类库的原理是使用抓取网页来分析联系人列表的,所以会因为邮箱网页的改版而无法正确获取联系人列表。 如果大家在使用的时候发现有邮箱不能获得联系人列表,希望先把类库log4j的level设置为debug,把调试信息和错误信息一起发送给我 [email protected],我会尽快解决问题的,谢谢!