Including the files
First of all, as jsTree is a jQuery component, you need to include jQuery itself. Currently jsTree uses version 1.3.2 (the latest as of 14.Sept.2009)
<script type="text/javascript" src="source/lib/jquery.js"></script>
Then you need to include jsTree:
<script type="text/javascript" src="source/jquery.tree.js"></script>
Or you could use the minified version:
<script type="text/javascript" src="source/jquery.tree.min.js"></script>
You may change the path to whatever you like, but it is recommended not to rename jquery.tree.js or jquery.tree.min.js as the filenames are used in path autodetection. If you decide to rename them make sure you set the theme_path config option, so that jsTree succesfully includes your chosen theme (you also MUST set this option if you decide to move the folder of your chosen theme out of jstree-location/themes/).
Additionally you may decide to include some of the plugins from the plugins/ folder. If you do that the first time you open a page the plugin you loaded will alert you about missing dependancies - they can all be found lib/ folder.
Creating an instance
You can create an instance in one of two ways. Make sure that you do not use an <ul> node for the container node.
Method 1:
jQuery("selector-to-container-node-here").tree( options * );
* You may pass the configuration options as a parameter to the tree() function. Detailed information about configuring can be found below.
If you use this method, to get the address the instance you just created use this code:
jQuery.tree.reference( selector * );
* Selector can be: the ID of the container node, the ID of any contained DOM element, an actual DOM element contained within the tree, or a jQuery extended DOM node container within the tree
Method 2:
var your-tree-var = jQuery.tree.create();
your-tree-var.init( options * )
* You may pass the configuration options as a parameter to the init() function. Detailed information about configuring can be found below.
If you use this method, the your-tree-var is a reference to the instance. You can still use jQuery.tree.reference(). A note regarding IE8 - it has been known to cause some trouble if you use tree as variable name, so please don't.
The object storing all default values for newly created instances can be found in jQuery.tree.defaults. If you extend or modify the object, all instances created after the modification will use the modified object as default settings. When configuring an instance only pass those values, that are different from the defaults.
data Object
This section of the config stores all data source related settings.
data.async Boolean
If this is set to true a request will be made each time a closed node is opened, and its data is not yet loaded.
Default is false.
data.type String
A string specifying one of the included datastores ("html" and "json" are in the main source file (jquery.tree.js) and "xml_flat" and "xml_nested" are available in the plugins/ directory).
Default is "html".
data.opts Object
An object specifying all the options for the chosen datastore.
Default is { method: "GET", url: false }.
data.opts.method String
The method used when querying the server for data. Either "GET" or "POST". Keep in mind that while all included datastore plugins respect this setting, other third party datastore plugins may choose not to.
Default is "GET".
data.opts.url String
The URL used when querying the server for data. You may specify GET parameters here, or use the beforedata callback.
Default is false.
selected mixed
A single node ID, or a list of node IDs to be initially selected when the tree first loads. Either a String, an Array or false.
Default is false.
opened Array
An array of node IDs to be initially opened when the tree first loads.
Default is [].
languages Array
An array of string values, each one representing a language. Keep in mind those string will be used internally for CSS classes, so each string must be a valid CSS classname (a safe approach is to use typical language codes "en", "de", etc).
Default is [].
ui Object
This section of the config stores various user interface related settings.
ui.dots Boolean
Should the tree have guiding dots or not.
Default is true.
ui.animation Integer
The duration in milliseconds of the open/close animation.
Default is 0 (meaning no animation).
ui.scroll_spd Integer
When dragging near the edge of the tree container it scrolls if neccessary. This setting controls the speed of the scroll.
Default is 4.
ui.selected_parent_close mixed
This option specifies the behavior of the tree when a parent of a selected node is closed. The options are "select_parent" - which deselects the selected node and selects the closed one (similar to windows explorer), "deselect" - only deselects the selected node or false - does nothing.
Default is "select_parent".
ui.selected_delete mixed
This option specifies the behavior of the tree when a selected node is deleted. The options are "select_previous" - which selects the previous node (similar to windows explorer) or false - does nothing.
Default is "select_previous".
ui.theme_path String
The folder where jsTree's themes are located. If this is set to false, jsTree will autodetect the folder using its own folder location and appending themes/ at the end.
Default is false (meaning autodetect).
ui.theme_name String
The theme to use. If set to false no theme is loaded.
Default is "default".
types Object
This section of the config stores all defined node types and their possible interactions. Each setting (except for icon) may be set to a function - if so whenever a user interaction is evaluated this function will be invoked and will receive two arguments - the node that is being checked and the tree instance. In any new types you define you may only supply the rules that are different from the default type.
By default only the "default" node type is defined:
"default" : {
clickable : true,
renameable : true,
deletable : true,
creatable : true,
draggable : true,
max_children : -1,
max_depth : -1,
valid_children : "all",
icon : {
image : false,
position : false
type.clickable mixed
Are nodes of this type clickable. Boolean or Function.
type.renameable mixed
Are nodes of this type renameable. Boolean or Function.
type.deletable mixed
Are nodes of this type deletable. Boolean or Function.
type.creatable mixed
Can new nodes be created in nodes of that type. Boolean or Function.
type.draggable mixed
Are nodes of this type draggable. Boolean or Function.
type.max_children mixed
The maximum number of direct children allowed in this type of node. -1 means unlimited amount of direct children, 0 means no children are allowed, 1 means maximum one child is allowed, etc. Integer or Function.
type.max_depth mixed
The maximum number of levels below this type of node. -1 means unlimited amount of levels, 0 means no children are allowed, 1 means maximum one level is allowed, etc. Integer or Function.
type.valid_children mixed
Types of nodes allowed inside this type of node. Can be an Array of string values (one for each allowed type), if set to String "all" nodes of any type can be children of a nodes of this type. Can also be a Function
type.icon Object
An optional configuration of the icon used for that node type. If using a sprite (a big image with a lot of icons in it) define the image property on the "default" node type and for all other types just define the position property. Keep in mind IE6 is not supported (internally this uses a node[attribute=value] > node selector).
Default is: { image : false, position : false }, which means the icon is defined in the theme.
rules Object
This section is for defining a few rules for the whole tree.
rules.multiple mixed
This controls multiple selection. Can be either false - multiple selection is off, "ctrl" - multiple selection is on when the Ctrl key is held down or "on" - multiple selection is always on.
Default is: "ctrl"
rules.multitree mixed
This controls accepting nodes from other trees. Can be either "none" - will not accept any nodes from any tree, "all" - will accept from any tree or Array - an array of strings, each one representing the ID of the container of a tree to accept from.
Default is: "none"
rules.type_attr String
The attribute to read the type of the node from.
Default is: "rel"
rules.createat String
Specifies the default location to insert new nodes at - at the top amongst the parent node's children or at the bottom. Also controls what happens if a node is dropped onto another node. Should be either "top" or "bottom".
Default is: "bottom"
rules.drag_copy mixed
This controls how to copy when dragging. Can be either false - when the user drags a move is always performed, "ctrl" - a copy is made if the Ctrl key is held down or "on" - the drag always results in a copy.
Default is: "ctrl"
rules.drag_button String
This controls which button initiates a drag. Can be either "left", "right" or "both".
Default is: "left"
rules.use_max_children Boolean
Should max_children rules be checked when moving/copying nodes.
Default is: true
rules.use_max_depth Boolean
Should max_depth rules be checked when moving/copying nodes.
Default is: true
type.max_children Integer
The maximum number of root nodes allowed. -1 means unlimited amount of root nodes, 1 means maximum one root node is allowed, etc.
Default is: -1
type.max_depth Integer
The maximum number of levels. -1 means unlimited amount of levels, 1 means maximum one level is allowed, etc.
Default is: -1
type.valid_children mixed
Types of nodes allowed as root nodes. Can be an Array of string values (one for each allowed type), if set to String "all" nodes of any type can be root nodes.
Default is: "all"
lang Object
This section of the config stores various settings related to languages.
lang.new_node mixed
The default name for newly created nodes (if the new name is not specified on creation). Can be a String or an Array of strings for each defined language. If you use multiple languages but set this to a single string - it will be used in all languages.
Default is "New folder".
lang.loading String
The string displayed when loading content from the server.
Default is "Loading ...".
callback Object
This section is for defining all callback functions which fire on various events.
callback.beforechange Should return: Boolean
Triggered before selection changes. Receives two parameters - the node involved in the event and a reference to the tree instance. If false is returned selection is not changed.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { return true }
callback.beforeopen Should return: Boolean
Triggered before opening a node. Receives two parameters - the node about to be opened and a reference to the tree instance. If false is returned the node is not opened.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { return true }
callback.beforeclose Should return: Boolean
Triggered before closing a node. Receives two parameters - the node about to be closed and a reference to the tree instance. If false is returned the node is not closed.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { return true }
callback.beforemove Should return: Boolean
Triggered before moving a node. Receives four parameters - the node about to be moved, the reference node in the move, the new position relative to the reference node (one of "before", "after" or "inside") and a reference to the tree instance. If false is returned the node is not moved.
Default is: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ) { return true }
callback.beforecreate Should return: Boolean
Triggered before creating a node. Receives four parameters - the node about to be created, the reference node in the creation, the new position relative to the reference node (one of "before", "after" or "inside") and a reference to the tree instance. If false is returned the node is not created.
Default is: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ) { return true }
callback.beforerename Should return: Boolean
Triggered before renaming a node. Receives three parameters - the node about to be renamed, the current language and a reference to the tree instance. If false is returned the node is not renamed.
Default is: function(NODE, LANG, TREE_OBJ) { return true }
callback.beforedelete Should return: Boolean
Triggered before deleting a node. Receives two parameters - the node about to be deleted and a reference to the tree instance. If false is returned the node is not deleted.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { return true }
callback.beforedata Should return: Object
Used for passing custom parameters to the server. Receives two parameters - a node (if applicable) and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { return { id : $(NODE).attr("id") || 0 } }
callback.ondata Should return: mixed
Used for modifying the data received from the server before parsing it.
Default is: function(DATA, TREE_OBJ) { return DATA; }
callback.onparse Should return: String
Used for modifying the HTML about to be inserted in the DOM before actually inserting it.
Default is: function(STR, TREE_OBJ) { return STR; }
Triggered when a node is hovered. Receives two parameters - the hovered node and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a node is selected. Receives two parameters - the selected node and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a node is deselected. Receives two parameters - the deselected node and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when selection is changed in any way (select or deselect). Receives two parameters - the node involved and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a node is renamed. Receives three parameters - the renamed node, a reference to the tree instance and a rollback object that you can use with jQuery.tree.rollback.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ, RB) { }
Triggered when a node is moved. Receives five parameters - the node that was moved, the reference node in the move, the new position relative to the reference node (one of "before", "after" or "inside"), a reference to the tree instance and a rollback object that you can use with jQuery.tree.rollback.
Default is: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ, RB) { }
Triggered when a node is copied. Receives five parameters - the node that was copied, the reference node in the copy, the new position relative to the reference node (one of "before", "after" or "inside"), a reference to the tree instance and a rollback object that you can use with jQuery.tree.rollback.
Default is: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ, RB) { }
Triggered when a node is created. Receives five parameters - the node that was created, the reference node in the create operation, the new position relative to the reference node (one of "before", "after" or "inside"), a reference to the tree instance and a rollback object that you can use with jQuery.tree.rollback.
Default is: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ, RB) { }
Triggered when a node is deleted. Receives three parameters - the node that was deleted, a reference to the tree instance and a rollback object that you can use with jQuery.tree.rollback.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ, RB) { }
Triggered when a node is opened. Receives two parameters - the node that was opened and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a open_all operation completes. Receives one parameter - a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a node is closed. Receives two parameters - the node that was closed and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a close_all operation completes. Receives one parameter - a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when an error occurs. Receives two parameters - the error string and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(TEXT, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a node is doubleclicked. Receives two parameters - the node that was doubleclicked and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is:
function(NODE, TREE_OBJ) {, NODE);, NODE);
Triggered when a node is rightclicked. Receives three parameters - the node that was rightclicked, a reference to the tree instance and the event object. To prevent the browser menu use:
function(NODE, TREE_OBJ, EV) {
return false;
}Default is: function(NODE, TREE_OBJ, EV) { }
Triggered when the tree is loaded with data for the first time or refreshed. Receives one parameter - a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when the tree is initialized and before any data is requested or parsed. Receives one parameter - a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when the tree is focused. When creating a new tree it is always focused and the callback fires after oninit, but if a data request should be made to the server - possibly before onload. Receives one parameter - a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered before the tree is destroyed. Receives one parameter - a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered after a search is performed and results are ready. Receives two parameters - a jQuery collection of nodes matching the search and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODES, TREE_OBJ) { NODES.addClass("search"); }
Triggered when a foreign node is dropped on the tree. Receives four parameters - the foreign node that was dropped, the reference node in the move, the new position relative to the reference node (one of "before", "after" or "inside") and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ) { }
Triggered when a node is checked for a certain rule. Receives four parameters - the rule that is checked, the node that is checked, the value computed so far (as the callback is called last - before that types are evaluated) and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(RULE,NODE,VALUE,TREE_OBJ) { return VALUE; }
callback.check_move Should return: Boolean
Triggered when a move is evaluated. Receives four parameters - the node that is moved, the reference node in the move, the new position relative to the reference node (one of "before", "after" or "inside") and a reference to the tree instance.
Default is: function(NODE, REF_NODE, TYPE, TREE_OBJ) { return true; }
plugins Object
This section is for defining active plugins on the instance. Each plugin is a key in this object, and corresponding to that key is the options object for the plugin. For example:
plugins : {
"plugin-name" : { plugin-option-one : "value", plugin-option-two : { } }
"second-plugin" : { } // This just activates the plugin without modifying its defaults.
Default is: { }
In this section you will find the data format description of the two bundled datasources.
The simplest of datastores. Used when you need to converted a nested list into an interactive tree. The required structure is as follows:
<li id="node-identificator" rel="node-type">
<a href="#"><ins> </ins>Root node</a>
<li id="node-identificator" rel="node-type">
<a href="#"><ins> </ins>Child node</a>
You can have whatever attributes you like in any of the elements. Also keep in mind that the node ID and type can be omitted and the node type may be stored in some other attribute if you decide to configure it (check the type_attr section).
If you use language versions you will have multiple <a> (one for each language) elements inside any <li> element, they must have a language code (one of the codes defined in the langauges section of the config) for a classname. Like so:
<li id="node-identificator" rel="node-type">
<a href="#" class="en"><ins> </ins>Title in English</a>
<a href="#" class="bg"><ins> </ins>Title in Bulgarian</a>
The JSON data format is definitely the most widely used amongst jsTree users. Each node has the following structure:
attributes: { id : "node_identificator", some-other-attribute : "attribute_value" },
data: "node_title",
// Properties below are only used for NON-leaf nodes
state: "closed", // or "open"
children: [ /* an array of child nodes objects */ ]
As you can see you can pass any attributes you like in the attributes object - in the resulting HTML output those attributes are bound to the <li> element. If you have a leaf node (one with no children) omit the state and children properties.
If you need to specify some attributes for the <a> node in the output, or want to set a custom icon instead of a string, pass an object for the data section. Like so:
attributes: { id : "node_identificator", some-other-attribute : "attribute_value" },
data: { title : "Node title", icon : "path_to/icon.pic", attributes : {"key" : "value" } },
// Properties below are only used for NON-leaf nodes
state: "closed", // or "open"
children: [ /* an array of child nodes objects */ ]
If language versions are used use this syntax for the data property:
data: {
"en" : "Title in English",
"bg" : "Title in Bulgarian"
Or if you need icons and attributes:
data: {
"en" : { title : "Title in English", icon : "path_to/icon.pic", attributes : { "key" : "value" } },
"bg" : "Title in Bulgarian"
As you can see - you can mix the short and long syntax.
jQuery(selector).tree([options]) Return value: jQuery
Used on a jQuery selector the tree function converts all matched elements to trees, using the options provided. If a tree already exists in one of the selected DOM nodes, it is first destroyed and then recreated using the passed options object.
object options
An optional object, specifing all the options for the tree (or trees) that will be created. This object internally extends the global defaults object. So you may only pass values that are different from the defaults.
Functions and properties bound directly to the global tree object.
jQuery.tree.create() Return value: jsTree
Creates a new tree instance. Accepts no arguments - the configuration object is passed in a subsequest init call on the returned tree object.
This object stores all defined datastores on a global level. Every added datastore extends this object. In order to use a datastore in a tree instance, the datastore should be defined in this object.
The object storing all default values for newly created instances. If you extend or modify the object, all instances created after the modification will use the modified object as default settings. This means that you can even define plugins that should be active on all instances.
jQuery.tree.drag_start function
You can set this to a function - it will be called each time the user initiates a drag. You will receive the event object and a jsTree drag_drop object as parameters. Please note that you attach this callback globally and not on a specific instance. To get the instance involved in the drag start - use the jQuery.tree.reference() function.
jQuery.tree.drag function
You can set this to a function - it will be called each time the mousemove event is fired. You will receive the event object and a jsTree drag_drop object as parameters. Please note that you attach this callback globally and not on a specific instance. To get the instance/instances involved in the drag - use the jQuery.tree.reference() function.
jQuery.tree.drag_end function
You can set this to a function - it will be called each time the user finishes a drag. You will receive the event object and a jsTree drag_drop object as parameters. Please note that you attach this callback globally and not on a specific instance. To get the instance/instances involved in the drag - use the jQuery.tree.reference() function. Do not confuse with the onmove callback which will also be fired if there was a valid move.
jQuery.tree.drop_mode([options]) Return value: none
This function sets all initialized trees on the page in "drop mode", meaning that all the trees start handling mouseover events and evaluating the possible drop, and giving the user feedback.
object options
An optional object, specifing a few options:
boolean show
Should there be a drag helper. Defaults to false.
string type
The node type that should be used for the current drop when evaluating the drag rules. Defaults to "default".
string str
The text used in the drag helper. Defaults to "Foreign node".
jQuery.tree.focused() Return value: jsTree
This functions returns the currently focused tree instance.
This object stores all defined plugins on a global level. Every added plugin extends this object. In order to use a specific plugin, it should be defined in this object. Only having a plugin defined here, does not mean it is activated with every instance. If you want to use a plugin with an instance you should define that in the particular instance config.
jQuery.tree.reference(needle) Return value: jsTree
This functions returns a specific tree instance by an ID or contained node.
mixed needle
This can be either the instance ID (the ID of the container node), an ID of any contained DOM element, an actual DOM element contained within the tree, or a jQuery extended DOM node container within the tree.
jQuery.tree.rollback(data) Return value: none
This function performs a rollback when passed a rollback object. It sets all trees involved in the rollback to the state described in the rollback object.
object data
This is a rollback object, usually obtained in a callback or by calling get_rollback on a specific instance.
Functions and properties in a tree instance
attach_events() Return value: none
This function binds all the events required for user interaction with the tree. It only fires once at creation time. It is used internally.
callback(callback_name, arguments) Return value: none
This function is used internally. It fires all callbacks.
string callback_name
The callback to fire.
array args
The arguments for the callback.
check(rule, node) Return value: boolean
Checks if a certain action is allowed on a node (for example create, delete, rename, etc) and returns true or false accordingly. Used mainly internally.
string rule
The rule you want to check.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to the node you want to check inside the tree.
check_move(node, ref_node, move_type) Return value: boolean
Checks if a certain move is allowed. Used mainly internally.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to the node that is being moved.
mixed ref_node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to the reference node.
string move_type
One of "before", "after" or "inside".
children(reference_node) Return value: jQuery
Get the child nodes of the reference node. Returns false on failure.
mixed reference_node
The reference node. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
Closes all nodes, so that their children are not visible. Has no return value, but returns false on failure (invalid node for example).
mixed node
Optional argument. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If passed only this node and its children are closed, if not passed - every node in the tree is closed.
close_branch(node [, disable_animation])
Close a node, so that its children are not visible. Has no return value, but returns false on failure (invalid node for example).
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
boolean disable_animation
Optional argument. If true is passed, there will be no animation regardless of the settings in the tree config.
The number of the tree. This is used internally.
Marks a node as copied. A paste operation following the copy operation will create a copy of that node. Has no return value, but returns false on failure (invalid node for example).
mixed node
Optional argument - the node to be copied. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If omitted the currently selected node (or nodes) are marked.
create([data, reference_node, position]) Return value: jQuery
Create a new node. Please note this function should mainly be used for user interaction and not for populating the tree initially. Returns the newly created node or false on failure.
object data
Optional argument. The object follows the built in JSON structure, so you can specify name (or names if using language versions) for the newly created node, attributes, type of the node, open/closed state, etc. If omitted the new node's type is "default" and as soon as it is inserted the rename function is called on the node.
mixed reference_node
Optional argument. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If -1 is passed a new root node is created. If omitted the currently selected node is used as reference node.
mixed position
Optional argument. Possible values are "before", "after" or "inside", which mark the position relative to the reference node. An integer may also be passed - in that case the new node will be created at that specific offset among the reference node's children.
The language code of the currently visible language.
Marks a node as cut. A paste operation following the cut operation will move that node. Has no return value, but returns false on failure (invalid node for example).
mixed node
Optional argument - the node to be cut. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If omitted the currently selected node (or nodes) are marked.
Removes the selected state from a node in the tree. Has no return value, but returns false on failure (invalid node for example).
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
Destroys the instance.
error(error_string) Return value: false
All errors go through this function. Used internally.
string error_string
This function sets the current tree as the focused one in the page.
get([node, format, options]) Return value: mixed
Return the whole tree or a part of it in a given format.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. This is the node you want returned, if this argument omitted the whole tree is returned.
string format
Optional argument. The format you want the returned data in. It should be one of the defined datasources. If omitted the tree's current datasource is used.
object options
Optional argument. The options for the datasource - if omitted, the tree's current options are used.
get_lang() Return value: string
This function is only useful if language versions are used. Returns the currently visible language or false on failure.
get_node(node) Return value: jQuery
This function returns the jQuery extended LI DOM node that represents a given tree node.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
get_rollback() Return value: object
Returns a rollback object for the tree. The rollback object actually has two properties html (containing the HTML of the container) and selected (the ID of the last selected node - if there is one).
get_text(node [, language]) Return value: string
This function returns the title of the node passed as first parameter.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
string language
This parameter is optional and only useful if language versions are used. You may specify the language in which you want the title (it should be one of the defined languages). If you ommit this parameter the title is returned in the currently visible language.
get_type(node) Return value: string
This function returns the type of a node (types are used to determine nesting/interaction rules). The function returns "default" if no type attribute is found.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
Sets a node in the tree as hovered. Has no return value, but returns false on failure (invalid node for example).
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
init(element [, config])
This function initializes a tree in the given container element, using the optional config passed as a parameter. Usually used after create().
mixed element
This is a DOM node, jQuery object, or a valid jQuery selector, pointing to a container element. This parameter is required.
object config
An optional object, specifing all the options for the tree (or trees) that will be created. This object internally extends the global defaults object. So you may only pass values that are different from the defaults.
Locks or unlocks the tree instance. A locked tree blocks all user interactions.
boolean state
To lock or unlock (true means lock).
A boolean indicating the lock state of the tree.
moved(what, where, how [, is_new, is_copy, rollback]) Return value: jQuery
This function is used internally. It performs all moves and manipulates the DOM. Returns the moved node, but there is no return value if there are multiple moves to be performed or the required data is not yet loaded.
mixed what
The node (or nodes) to move/copy/create. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
mixed where
The reference node in the operation. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
string how
One of "before", "after" or "inside".
boolean is_new
If it is a create operation.
boolean is_copy
If it is a copy operation.
object rollback
The rollback object created in the first call to the moved function.
next(reference_node [, strict]) Return value: jQuery
Get the node next to the reference node. Returns false on failure.
The reference node. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
Optional argument - if set to true only siblings are returned (nodes within the same parent as the reference node). If not present or false behaves like in Windows explorer - when the last child is the reference node the next sibling of the parent node is returned.
This function computates the offset of the tree's container node, and also the height of a single node. It is used internally.
open_all([node, callback])
Open all nodes, so that their children are visible. Returns false on failure.
mixed node
Optional argument. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If passed only this node and its children are opened, if not passed - every node in the tree is opened.
function callback
Optional argument. A function to be executed once the operation is complete. Used internally, if you need similiar functionality use the onopen_all callback.
open_branch(node [, disable_animation, callback]) Return value: boolean
Open a node, so that its children are visible. Returns true if succesfull, false if not.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
boolean disable_animation
Optional argument. If true is passed, there will be no animation regardless of the settings in the tree config.
function callback
Optional argument. A function to be executed once the operation is complete. Used internally, if you need similiar functionality use the onopen callback.
parent(reference_node) Return value: mixed
Get the parent node of the reference node. Normally returns a jQuery extended node, but will return -1 if a root node is passed as reference node, or false on failure (invalid reference node for exmaple).
mixed reference_node
The reference node. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
paste([node, position])
Pastes any copied or cut nodes in the new position. Has no return value, but will return false on failure.
mixed node
Optional argument - the reference node in the operation. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If omitted the currently selected node (or nodes) are marked.
mixed position
Optional argument. Possible values are "before", "after" or "inside", which mark the position relative to the reference node. An integer may also be passed - in that case the node will be moved/copied at that speicific offset among the reference node's children.
prev(reference_node [, strict]) Return value: jQuery
Get the node previous to the reference node. Returns false on failure.
mixed reference_node
The reference node. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
boolean strict
Optional argument - if set to true only siblings are returned (nodes within the same parent as the reference node). If not present or false behaves like in Windows explorer - when a first child is the reference node the parent node is returned.
This function refreshes the whole tree, or a given node (if passed as a parameter). Opened nodes and selected nodes are saved and reopened/reselected (the reselect function is used for reselecting and reopening).
mixed element
This is a DOM node, jQuery object, or a valid jQuery selector, pointing to a node in the tree. If this parameter is passed, only that node is refreshed, if this parameter is absent, the whole tree is refreshed.
Removes a node. Has no return value, but will return false on failure.
mixed node
Optional argument - the node to be removed. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If omitted the currently selected node is removed.
rename([node, new_name])
Rename a node. If language versions are used only the title in the currently visible language is modified. Has no return value, but will return false on failure.
mixed node
Optional argument - the node to be renamed. A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. If omitted the currently selected node is renamed.
string new_name
Optional argument - the new name. If omitted - an input box is displayed.
This function reselects and reopens nodes in the tree after a refresh. It is used internally.
boolean is_callback
As the function sometimes calls recursively this parameter shows if this is a recursive call, or the first one.
scroll_check(x, y)
This function detects the need to scroll and scrolls the container (if neccessary) while the user drags a node (or nodes). It is used internally.
number x
The x coordinate to check.
number y
The y coordinate to check.
This function scrolls the container node so that the node passed as parameter is in view. If the parameter is missing the currently selected node is used.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
search(needle [, compare_function])
Searches all nodes whose titles match a given string. If async is used a request is made to the server, the response should contain the comma-separated IDs of nodes that need to be opened so that all nodes that match the search string are visible. The search string is provided in the request. The function triggers the onsearch callback, with the nodes found as a parameter.
string needle
The search string.
string compare_function
Optional argument. The jQuery function to be used for comparing titles to the string - defaults to "contains".
The currently selected jQuery extended node (if mutliselect is possible this holds the lastly selected node).
An array of jQuery extended DOM nodes that are currently selected.
select_branch(node [, is_multiple])
Sets a node in the tree as selected. Has no return value but will return false on failure (invalid node for example).
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
boolean is_multiple
Optional argument. If true is passed, it will trigger multiselect (the previously selected node won't be deselected, but the both nodes will be selected).
All the settings for the current tree. You can modify some of the properties at runtime.
set_lang(lang) Return value: boolean
This function is only useful if language versions are used. Sets the current language to the specified one so that the tree is visible in that language. Returns true on success and false otherwise.
mixed lang
Either one of the language strings defined in the tree's config, or its key in the array.
set_type(type [, node])
This function sets the type of a node to a given value (types are used to determine nesting/interaction rules).
string type
The new type of the node.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree. This argument is optional - if not specified - the currently selected node is used.
toggle_branch(node) Return value: boolean
Toggles the opened/closed state of the node. Returns true on success and false otherwise.
mixed node
A DOM node, jQuery object or selector, pointing to a node inside the tree.
Turns dots on or off.
A few other variables may emerge at runtime, but they are only used internally, such as: srch , srch_opn , hovered , offset , is_partial_refresh , opened , cl_count , li_height , inp.