Ted On Flex: (翻译)Releases - AMF3 Spec / Blaze DS / AIR Beta 3/ Flex Beta 3

  Today we pushed out some very important releases for AIR, Flex and open sourced some key data exchange technogy in Blaze DS and the AMF Specification. This release is a really big deal and will change the face of data exchange for Flash/Flex based technologies. Here is my take: 今天我们发布了AIR,FLEX等软件的重要更新,并以BLAZE DS和AMF规范开源了几项重要的数据交换技术,这些发布是如此的重要以至于他们会改变现有的FLEX等技术的面貌
  AMF3 Specification AMF3规范
  Today we released the specification for the Action Message Format (AMF) version 3 in pdf. This is the first time that an AMF specification has been available and will help developers integrate binary data exchange into all server platforms. AMF is the foundational data format within all remoting and messaging technologies providing fast serilization/deserialization in Flash Player using flash.utils.ByteArray.readObject and flash.utils.ByteArray.writeObject. The release of this specification will improve the quality of all remoting and messaging solutions for Flash/Flex and usher in a new era of optimized data exchange. 今天我们以PDF文档的形式发布了AMF3的开源规范,这是第一次AMF的规范开放,将帮助开发者们整合二进制的数据交换到服务器平台,AMF是各种远程的消息数据传递技术的基础数据格式,使用FLASH.UTILS.BYTEARRAY.READOBJECT等提供了快速的序列和反序列化标准,该规范的发布将提供所有的远程消息解决方案更好的性能
  Today we released a new java solution providing a reference implementation of remoting and messaging. Blaze DS provides a 100% free and OSS solution for optimized data exchange using Java. This release not only includes support for remoting using AMF but also supports long poll messaging over http on port 80. Blaze DS bridges a gap in the LiveCycle DS product line in providing a free and open source solution for exchanging data with Flex. Blaze DS also contains a full AMF3 reference implementation for remoting and messaging in Java easily portable to any server-side platform. 今天我们发布了一个基于JAVA的提供更好的远程消息机制的解决方案,BLAZEDS将是100%免费的OSS 解决方案,此版本的发布没有包含对AMF的支持,但也支持80端口的长轮询消息机制
  Flex 3 Beta 3
  Today we released new beta builds of Flex 3 SDK and Flex 3 Builder. Having tested this release over the last 2 months, the quality has moved forward 10 fold since Flex 3 Beta 2. I am using this release for all Flex development moving forward and this release marks my shift over to using Flex 3 full time for all future projects. It is a great release for Flex and marks a maturing of the Flex product line for application development. This release is also the final release before we ship in 2008. 今天我们发布了一个新版本的FB3SKD以及FB,这款发布已经持续测试了三个月之久了,质量从FB2提高了至少10倍,
  AIR Beta 3
  Time to write some desktop applications! This release of AIR marks the lock down of the AIR APIS and for me signals the start of major project development for AIR. I have long been frustrated migrating AIR applications from version to version as the API's migrated in design. As the API's in AIR Beta 3 are at near lock-down status, it is time to invest in AIR development. I have personally had 3 projects on hold until AIR locked down its development API's and now it is time to start development. I expect we will see a great number of AIR applications start development on AIR Beta 3 as it is near release quality and migration to the final release will be 99% trouble-free. 该为桌面应用写些东西了,这款AIR的发布以为这AIR的API已经基本完成并被定下来,对我来说意味着AIR大项目的开始,我已经尝试 这在AIR的各个版本的API之间来回的迁移,现在API定下来了,是时间开始基于AIR的开发了
  Sorry for the delay in the post!
  Ted :)

