Ruby 1.9 + Rails 2.3.3 + MySQL 5.0 环境搭建,Windows平台上

Ruby 1.9 is really fast, at least compared with old versions of Ruby. But, it's not that easy for beginners to setup, especially on Windows. However, once you have worked it out, it becomes very simple. Following is a 5-step instruction to do so.

1. InstallRuby1.9
Download ruby 1.9 one-click installer fromthis address. And then install it to C:\Ruby19. This step is very simple.

2. Modify Environment Variables
Add C:\Ruby19 to your environment variable PATH. This will make your ruby accessable from anywhere.

3. InstallRails2.3.3
gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri rails

4. InstallMySQLruby connector
gem install mysql --source

5. Install MySQL and anything you need
Gothis pageto download mysql Windows Essentials (x86), then install it. After this finished, copylibmySQL.dllfromC:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bintoC:\Ruby19\bin.

OK. That's everything. Enjoy your new trip!
