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MBT This in-migration stands against a longstanding trend of population loss to urban areas from rural counties where agriculture and natural resource extraction have historically dominated local economies (Jobes et al. 1992; Boyle and Halfacree 1998; GHD Straighteners Pandit and Withers 1999).
ESeginning over a century ago,
Reebok Easy Tone local leaders marketed the area as a kind of 'therapeutic landscape', to borrow a term from the relativ ely new field of health geography (Gesler 1992). This helped secure an economically important project when Traverse City became the site of the Northern Michigan Asylum for MBT Shoes the Insane, which was completed in 1885. These same strategies later helped leaders define Grand Traverse as a tourist destination for a burgeoning American middle class in the rapidly industrializing Midwest. Reebok EasyTone For my part, reflection on core principles underpinning the asylum's design and Reebok ZigTech early operation provides Reebok EasyTone a useful set of ideas for EasyTone analysing and interpreting the behaviour of lifestyle migration. The asylum has served as trope with which to discuss dual themes of refuge- creating and refuge-seeking. I understand both these behaviours as social and individual responses to uncertainty and anxiety in GHD the wake of widespread cultural and structural change at two different but related historical junctures: the period of industrialization P90X at the end GHD Hair Straighteners of the nineteenth century and late twentieth and P90X Workout early twenty-first century's deindustrialization in the United States.
In its early days, the Northern Michigan Asylum reflected the 'moral
Vibram Five Fingers treatment' plan that characterized a mid- to late-nineteenth-century institutional approach to mental illness (Hoey 2007; see also Grob 1973; Edginton 1997). During this period, a range Vibram Five Fingers of mental health policy reformers located the roots of psychological disease in what they perceived to be the increasing fluidity and loosened bonds of American life - its growing individualism, anomic and placclcssncss (Rothman 1971).
