
出自《Core Servlet and Jave》

1。First, a jsp:useBean element results in a new bean being instantiated only if no bean with the same
id and scope can be found. If a bean with the id and scope is found, the preexisting bean is simply bound to the variable referenced by id.


2。 <jsp:useBean ...>
The point of using the second form is that the statements between the jsp:useBean start and end tags are executed only if a new bean is created, not if an existing bean is used.

这个是说,<jsp:useBean ...>        statements       </jsp:useBean>这个形式的useBean中的statements只有在新建bean对象时才会被调用;如果是已有的bean(绑定),就不会运行。这种形式在不知道页面执行顺序的情况下比较适合
