EZMorph ----使用

 EZMorph is simple java library for transforming an Object to another Object.

  EZMorph's key strenghts are:

    * Supports transformations for primitives and Objects
    * Supports transformations for multidimensional arrays
    * Supports transformations with DynaBeans
    * JDK 1.3.1 compatible
    * Small memory footprint (~76K)

EZMorph comes with another feature: ArrayAssertions . JUnit 3.x does not have an assertEquals() method for asserting array equality, and JUnit 4.x has a limited one (it only supports Object[] not primitive arrays). With ArrayAssertions is possible to compare a boolean[] with a boolean[] or even a Boolean[], an those arrays can be multidimensional too.

EZMorph began life as the converter package on Json-lib but seeing that the features provided were more generic than JSON parsing, it became a project on its own

