Is this a good times or not

Not matter whether you ‘d like to accept it or not it is a times that almost everyone is focusing on the economy. The economy is becoming the center of everything.It is always right for both person or the company.

But is this a good times or not. My answer is no. definitely no.

There is any other we need to consider when we face the issue or dilemma. Do you think it is a good times?

My wife complained about her salary when she got to know a foreigner get the higher salary job although the foreigner left the school as soon as he finished the primary middle school.

She said it is just because of the race advantage.

Yes I admit she is right to some extentbut on the other hand we can find he also sacrifice a lot of things when he gets this if we can analyze it deeply.

After all he leaves far from his family and stay the fresh new country.

No matter how friendly the people is around him he will miss his country and his family.

So besides the salary we need to consider more things.

Just be yourself everything will be OK.

Do not always admire the other people.

Chrish what you have.Do not forget you are just the one that many people are admiring.
