UAT Testing
From ThoughtPedia

Facilitate Defect Writing during UAT

Selected business users will be the testers during User Acceptance Testing. We need to educate them in how to document a defect so developers can take action.

Create a handout with detail instructions, for example:

UAT Tester's responsibility:

    * State issue you believe to be a defect and where you found the defect (Screen Name etc.)
    * Is the defect reproducible?
    * Document steps taken leading up to finding the issue. Be as detailed as possible, you want the developer to be able to recreate the problem using the steps you documented.
    * Capture screen shots if possible
    * Send email to UAT coordinators (list email address or group name) with information from above
          o There may be a UAT co-ordinator who will be responsible for validating the defects prior to creating the item the tracking tool. In this case the users should email the documented defect
    * Detailed instructions on entering the defect into the tracking tool if the tester is to create the defects without further review.
