
Student(Sid,Sname,Sage,Ssex) 学生表

create table student (sid int(5),sname varchar(10),sage int(3),ssex varchar(5));
insert into student values(1,'韩梅梅','26', '女');
insert into student values(2,'李磊','27','男');
insert into student values(3,'林涛','27','男');
insert into student values(4,'吉姆','24','男');

Course(Cid,Cname,Tid) 课程表
create table course (cid int (5),cname varchar(15),tid int (5));
insert into course values (111,'语文',201);
insert into course values (222,'数学',301);
insert into course values (333,'英语',401);
insert into course values (444,'物理',201);

SC(Sid,Cid,score) 成绩表
create table sc (sid int (5),cid int(5),score int(5));
insert into sc values (1,111,80);
insert into sc values (1,222,90);
insert into sc values (1,333,80);
insert into sc values (1,444,90);
insert into sc values (2,111,80);
insert into sc values (2,222,70);
insert into sc values (3,111,80);
insert into sc values (3,222,60);
insert into sc values (3,333,80);

Teacher(Tid,Tname) 教师表
create table teacher (tid int(5),tname varchar(10));
insert into teacher  values(201,'张三');
insert into teacher  values(301,'李四');
insert into teacher  values(401,'王五');
insert into teacher  values(501,'李奎');

select  a.sid from sc a,sc b where a.sid=b.sid and a.cid=111 and b.cid=222 and a.score>b.score;

① select a.S# from (select sid,score from SC where cid=111) a,(select sid,score
from SC where cid=222) b
where a.score>b.score and a.s#=b.s#;

②select a.sid from sc a ,sc b where a.sid=b.sid and a.cid=111 and b.cid=222 and a.score>b.score;

① select sid,avg(score) agvscore from sc group by sid having avg(score)>60

① select a.sid,a.sname ,count(cid) ,sum(score) from student a left outer  join sc b on a.sid=b.sid  group by a.sid,a.sname; //吉姆不好好学习,没选课

① select count(tid) from teacher where tname like '李%';
② select count(distinct(tname)) from teacher where tname like '李%';

① select a.sid,a.sname  from student a where sid not in(
   select sid  from sc b where b.cid in(
   select c.cid from course c,teacher d where c.tid=d.tid and d.tname='张三'));

② select sid,sname from student where sid not in(  select a.sid  from sc a ,course b, teacher c where a.cid=b.cid and b.tid=c.tid and c.tname='张三');

① select c.sid,c.sname from sc a ,sc b,student c where a.sid=b.sid and b.sid=c.sid and a.cid='111' and b.cid='222';
② select b.sid,b.sname from sc a,student b where a.sid=b.sid and  a.cid=111 and exists (select 1 from sc c where a.sid=c.sid and c.cid=222);

7、查询学过“张三”老师所教的所有课的同学的学号、姓名; //有难度
① select * from student where sid in(  
select sc.sid  from sc , course ,teacher where sc.cid=course.cid and course.tid=teacher.tid and teacher.tname='张三' group by sid having count(sc.cid)=
(select count(1) from course,teacher where course.tid=teacher.tid and teacher.tname='张三'));

① select c.sid,c.sname from
  (select sid,score from sc where cid=222)a,  (select sid,score from sc where cid=111) b ,student c
  where a.sid=b.sid and b.sid=c.sid and a.score<b.score ;
② select  a.sid,a.sname  from student a,sc b,sc c  where b.cid=222 and c.cid=111  and a.sid=b.sid and b.sid=c.sid and b.score>c.score;

①  select sid,sname from student where sid not in( select  distinct(sid) from sc where sc.score >=85);

①   select sid,sname from student where sid in(
    select  sid from sc group by sid  having count(cid)<(select count(1) from course ));
②  select student.sid,sname from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid group by student.sid,sname having count(cid)<(select count(1) from course);

select sid,sname from student where sid in(
select sid from sc where cid in(   
select cid from sc where sid=3)
①select distinct a.sid,a.sname from student a,sc b where a.sid=b.sid and b.cid in(select cid from sc where sid='1');

13、把“SC”表中“张三”老师教的课的成绩都更改为此课程的平均成绩; //不知道怎么做

①   select sc.sid from sc where   cid in (select cid from sc where sid=1) group by sid having count(cid)=(select count(1) from  sc where sid=1);

① delete from sc  where cid in(
   select b.cid from course b,teacher c  where b.tid=c.tid and c.tname='张三');
