php 获取gmail/yahoo 联系人地址



$user = "****";
$password = "****";
// ref:
// step 1: login
$login_url = "";
$fields = array(
	'Email' => $user,
	'Passwd' => $password,
	'service' => 'cp', // <== contact list service code
	'source' => 'test-google-contact-grabber',
	'accountType' => 'GOOGLE',
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL,$login_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$returns = array();
foreach (explode("\n",$result) as $line)
	$line = trim($line);
	if (!$line) continue;
	list($k,$v) = explode("=",$line,2);
	$returns[$k] = $v;
// step 2: grab the contact list
$feed_url = "$user/full?alt=json&max-results=250";
$header = array(
	'Authorization: GoogleLogin auth=' . $returns['Auth'],
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $feed_url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); 
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$data = json_decode($result);
$contacts = array();
foreach ($data->feed->entry as $entry)
	$contact = new stdClass();
	$contact->title = $entry->title->{'$t'};
	$contact->email = $entry->{'gd$email'}[0]->address;
	$contacts[] = $contact;






// Yahoo! Account Username
$login    = "****";

// Yahoo! Account Password
$password = "****";

// Initializing Class
$yahoo  = new GrabYahoo;

Setting the desired Service 
  1. addressbook => Used to grab Yahoo! Address Book
  2. messenger => Used to grab Yahoo! Messenger List
  3. newmail => Used to grab number of new Yahoo! mails
  4. calendar => Used to grab Yahoo! Calendar entries 
$yahoo->service = "addressbook";

Set to true if HTTP proxy is required to browse net
  - Setting it to true will require to provide Proxy Host Name and Port number
$yahoo->isUsingProxy = false;

// Set the Proxy Host Name, isUsingProxy is set to true
$yahoo->proxyHost = "";

// Set the Proxy Port Number
$yahoo->proxyPort = "";

// Set the location to save the Cookie Jar File
$yahoo->cookieJarPath = "./";

Execute the Service 
  - Require to pass Yahoo! Account Username and Password
$yahooList = $yahoo->execService($login, $password);

// Printing the array generated by the Class

Printing new mail status
  - True (1) if there is new mail(s)
  - False (0) if there is no new mail
//$newMailStatus  = $yahoo->getNewMailStatus();
//echo $newMailStatus;

// Use this line to figure out any error generated during the process
echo $yahoo->errorInfo;

function dump($var)
  echo "<pre>";
  echo "</pre>";




 GrabYahoo - Yahoo Service Grabber class
 Version 1.5, Created 05/22/2006, Updated 11/03/2010
 Credit for latest fix: Ovidiu
 This class is used to grab Yahoo services like
 Address Book, Messenger List, Number of New Mails

 Copyright (C) 2006 Ehsan Haque

 License: GPL

 * GrabYahoo - Yahoo Service Grabber class
 * @package GrabYahoo
 * @license GPL
 * @copyright (C) 2006 Ehsan Haque
 * @version 1.4
 * @created 05/22/2006
 * @updated 02/06/2008
 * @author Ehsan Haque 
class GrabYahoo
  Public Variables
  * Service name (1. addressbook, 2. messenger, 3. newmail, 4. calendar)
  * @public
  * @var string
  var $service            = "";
  * Yahoo! Account Username
  * @public
  * @var string
  var $login              = "";

  * Yahoo! Account Password
  * @public
  * @var string
  var $password           = "";

  * Abosolute path to save the cookie
  * Default value is DOCUMENT_ROOT
  * @public
  * @var string
  var $cookieJarPath      = "";
  * Abosulte path to the CA Bundle file
  * SSL Certificate required to verify CA cert
  * Usually required when script ran on Localhost
  * Remote servers may not require 
  * Default value is false
  * @public
  * @var string
  var $caBundleFile       = "";

  * Specifies if Proxy server required as Gateaway
  * Default value is false
  * @public
  * @var boolean
  var $isUsingProxy       = false;
  * Proxy host name       
  * @public               
  * @var string          
  var $proxyHost          = "";
  * Proxy port number     
  * @public               
  * @var int             
  var $proxyPort          = 0;

  Private Variables
  * URL to Authenticate user on Yahoo!
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $authUrl            = "";

  * URL for the desired Service
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $serviceUrl         = "";

  * URL to be used by cURL
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $url                = "";

  * User agent (used to trick Yahoo!)
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $userAgent          = "YahooSeeker-Testing/v3.9 (compatible; Mozilla 4.0; MSIE 5.5;";

  * Referer URL (used to trick Yahoo!)
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $referer            = "";

  * Specifies whether output includes the header
  * @private
  * @var int
  var $showHeader         = 0;

  * Specifies if cURL should follow the redirected URL
  * @private
  * @var int
  var $follow             = 0;

  * Specifies number of post fields to pass
  * @private
  * @var int
  var $numPostField       = 0;

  * Specify fields to send via POST method as key=value
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $postFields         = "";

  * File where output is temporarily saved during authentication
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $authOutputFile     = "";

  * Variable used by Yahoo to verify the request is valid
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $crumb              = "";
  * File where service output is temporarily saved 
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $outputFile         = "";

  * File where Cookie is temporarily saved 
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $cookieFileJar      = "";

  * Cookie File that is read by service process
  * This carries same value as $cookieFileJar
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $cookieFile         = "";

  * Specifies if Cookie is to be in header
  * @private
  * @var int
  var $cookie             = 0;

  * Proxy address as
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $proxy              = "";

  * Error Information set by either cURL or Internal process
  * @private
  * @var string
  var $errorInfo          = "";

  * Returns true if there is new mail otherwise false
  * @private
  * @var boolean
  var $newMailStatus      = false;
  * Sets Service URL
  * @return void
  function setServiceUrl() 
    if (empty($this->service))
      return false;
    // Sets the URL depending on the choosen service
    switch ($this->service)
  	  //updated by ovidiuw3b
	  case 'addressbook' : $this->serviceUrl   = ""; break;
	  //end update
	  //updated by ovidiuw3b
	  case 'messenger'   : $this->serviceUrl   = ""; break;
	  //end update
      case 'newmail'     : $this->serviceUrl   = ""; break;
      case 'calendar'    : $this->serviceUrl   = ""; break;
  * Sets the Cookie Jar File where Cookie is temporarily saved
  * @return void
  function setCookieJar()
    // Sets the encrypted cookie filename using Yahoo! account username
    $this->cookieFilename = MD5($this->login);
    // Sets the Cookie Jar filename with an absolute path
    $this->cookieFileJar  = (!empty($this->cookieJarPath)) ? $this->cookieJarPath . "/" . $this->cookieFilename : $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/" . $this->cookieFilename;
    fopen($this->cookieFileJar, "w");

  * Initializes cURL session
  * @return void
  function initCurl()
    $this->curlSession    = curl_init();

  * Sets cURL options
  * @return boolean
  function setCurlOption() 
    // Sets the User Agent  
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $this->userAgent);
    // Sets the HTTP Referer
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_REFERER, $this->referer);
    // Sets the URL that PHP will fetch using cURL
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_URL, $this->url);
    // Sets the number of fields to be passed via HTTP POST
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_POST, $this->numPostField);
    // Sets the fields to be sent via HTTP POST as key=value
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->postFields);
    // Sets the filename where cookie information will be saved
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $this->cookieFileJar);
    // Sets the filename where cookie information will be looked up
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $this->cookieFile);
    // Sets the option to set Cookie into HTTP header
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $this->cookie);

    // Checks if the user needs proxy (to be set by user)
    if ($this->isUsingProxy) 
      // Checks if the proxy host and port is specified
      if ((empty($this->proxyHost)) || (empty($this->proxyPort)))
        return false;
      // Sets the proxy address as
      $this->proxy          = $this->proxyHost . ":" . $this->proxyPort;
    // Sets the proxy server as
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_PROXY, $this->proxy);
    // Sets the filename where output will be temporarily saved
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($this->curlSession, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, $this->follow);
    return true;

  * Executes the Service
  * @param string $login Username of user's Yahoo! Account
  * @param string $password Password of the user's Yahoo! Account
  * @return array|false
  function execService($login, $password)
    $login      = trim($login);
    $password   = trim($password);
    if (empty($login)) 
      return false;
    if (empty($password)) 
      return false;
    $this->login      = $login;
    $this->password   = $password;
    // Instructs to authenticate user on Yahoo!
    $this->auth       = $this->doAuthentication();
    if ($this->auth)
      // Instructs to fetch output if Authenticated
      return $this->serviceOutput;

  * Authenticates user on Yahoo!
  * @return boolean
  function doAuthentication()
    // Instructs to initialize cURL session
    // Sets the URL for authentication purpose
    $this->url              = $this->authUrl;
    // Sets the number of fields to send via HTTP POST
    $this->numPostField     = 22;
    // Sets the fields to be sent via HTTP POST as key=value
    $this->postFields       = "login=$this->login&passwd=$this->password&.src=&.tries=5&.bypass=&.partner=&.md5=&.hash=&.intl=us&.tries=1&.challenge=ydKtXwwZarNeRMeAufKa56.oJqaO&.u=dmvmk8p231bpr&.yplus=&.emailCode=&pkg=&stepid=&.ev=&hasMsgr=0&.v=0&.chkP=N&.last=&.done=" . $this->serviceUrl;
    // Instructs to set Cookie Jar
    // Checks if the cURL options are all set properly
    if ($this->setCurlOption())
      // Instructs to execute cURL session

      // Checks if any cURL error is generated
      if ($this->getCurlError())
        return false;

      // Checks if the authentication failed, either invalid login or username is not registered
      if ((preg_match("/invalid/i", $this->outputContent)) || (preg_match("/not yet taken/i", $this->outputContent)))
        // Instructs to close cURL session
        // Unlinks the cookie file
        return false;
    return true;

  * Sets the Service Output
  * @return void
  function getServiceOutput()
    // Instructs to process the choosen service
    switch ($this->service)
      case 'addressbook'    : $this->showHeader     = 0;
                              $this->serviceOutput  = $this->processAddressBook(); 
      case 'messenger'      : $this->showHeader     = 0;
                              $this->serviceOutput  = $this->processMessengerList(); 

      case 'newmail'        : $this->showHeader     = 0;
                              $this->follow         = 1;
                              $this->serviceOutput  = $this->processNewMail();

      case 'calendar'       : $this->showHeader     = 0;
                              $this->serviceOutput  = $this->processCalendar();

  * Processes Yahoo! Address Book
  * @return array|false
  function processAddressBook()
    $this->url              = $this->serviceUrl;
    $this->numPostField     = 1;
	//updated by ovidiuw3b
	$this->postFields		= "VPC=print&field[allc]=1&field[catid]=0&field[style]=>detailed&submit[action_display]=Display for Printing";
	//end update
    $this->cookieFile       = $this->cookieFileJar;
    $this->outputFile       = "addressBook." . md5($this->login) . ".txt";
    $this->fileHandler      = fopen($this->outputFile, "w");
    if ($this->setCurlOption())
		$res=str_replace(array('  ','	',PHP_EOL,"\n","\r\n"),array('','','','',''),$res);
		preg_match_all("#\<tr class\=\"phead\"\>\<td colspan\=\"2\"\>(.+)\<\/tr\>(.+)\<div class\=\"first\"\>\<\/div\>\<div\>\<\/div\>(.+)\<\/div\>#U",$res,$bulk);
		if (!empty($bulk))
			foreach($bulk[1] as $key=>$bulkName)
				if (preg_match('/\&nbsp\;\-\&nbsp\;/',$nameFormated)) 
					if (!empty($emailA[1])) $contacts[$emailA[1].'']=array('first_name'=>$emailA[0],'email_1'=>$emailA[1].'');
				elseif (!empty($bulk[3][$key])) { $email=strip_tags(trim($bulk[3][$key])); $contacts[$email]=array('first_name'=>$nameFormated,'email_1'=>$email); }
		foreach ($contacts as $email=>$name) if (!$this->isEmail($email)) unset($contacts[$email]);

		return $contacts;

  * Locates and sets the value for crumb
  * @return void
  function getCrumb()
    $this->url              = $this->serviceUrl . "?1&VPC=import_export&.rand=1238474830";
    $this->cookieFile       = $this->cookieFileJar;
    $this->outputFile       = "addressBook." . md5($this->login) . ".txt";
    $this->fileHandler      = fopen($this->outputFile, "w");
    if ($this->setCurlOption())
      fwrite($this->fileHandler, $this->outputContent);      
      $fileContent          = file_get_contents($this->outputFile);
      $searchStr            = "/\.crumb.*\"/";

      preg_match($searchStr, $fileContent, $matches);

      if (!empty($matches))
        $foundStr           = $matches[0];
        $pattern            = array (
                                    '/id/', '/(\.?)crumb(\d?)/', '/value/', '/=/', '/\"/'
        $replacement        = array (
                                    '', '', '', '', ''
        $this->crumb        = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $foundStr);

  * Processes Yahoo! Messenger Friend List (Grouped)
  * @return array|false
  function processMessengerList()
    $this->url              = $this->serviceUrl;
    $this->numPostField     = 1;
	//updated by ovidiuw3b
	$this->postFields		= "VPC=print&field[allc]=1&field[catid]=0&field[style]=>detailed&submit[action_display]=Display for Printing";
	//end update
    $this->cookieFile       = $this->cookieFileJar;
    $this->outputFile       = "addressBook." . md5($this->login) . ".txt";
    $this->fileHandler      = fopen($this->outputFile, "w");
    if ($this->setCurlOption())
		$res=str_replace(array('  ','	',PHP_EOL,"\n","\r\n"),array('','','','',''),$res);
		preg_match_all("#\<tr class\=\"phead\"\>\<td colspan\=\"2\"\>(.+)\<\/tr\>(.+)\<div class\=\"first\"\>\<\/div\>\<div\>\<\/div\>(.+)\<\/div\>#U",$res,$bulk);
		if (!empty($bulk))
			foreach($bulk[1] as $key=>$bulkName)
				if (preg_match('/\&nbsp\;\-\&nbsp\;/',$nameFormated)) 
					if (!empty($emailA[1])) $contacts[$emailA[1].'']=array('first_name'=>$emailA[0],'messenger_id'=>$emailA[1]);
				elseif (!empty($bulk[3][$key])) { $email=strip_tags(trim($bulk[3][$key])); $contacts[$email]=array('first_name'=>$nameFormated,'messenger_id'=>$email); }
		foreach ($contacts as $email=>$name) if (!$this->isEmail($email)) unset($contacts[$email]);

		return $contacts;

  * Processes Yahoo! Mail for Number of New Messages
  * @return array|false
  function processNewMail()
    $this->url              = $this->serviceUrl;
    $this->cookieFile       = $this->cookieFileJar;
    $this->outputFile       = "newMailList." . md5($this->login) . ".txt";
    $this->fileHandler      = fopen($this->outputFile, "w");
    if ($this->setCurlOption())
      fwrite($this->fileHandler, $this->outputContent); 
      $fileContent  = file_get_contents($this->outputFile);
      $fileContent  = strip_tags($fileContent);
      // Finds out the string You have N unread Message
      $pattern      = "/inbox\s\(\d+\)/i";
      preg_match($pattern, $fileContent, $match);
      // Extracts the number of new message(s)
      $numPattern   = "/\d+/";
      preg_match($numPattern, $match[0], $match);
      $list['new_mail']   = $match[0];
      if ($match[0] > 0)
      return $list;

  * Processes Yahoo! Calendar
  * @return array|false
  function processCalendar()
    $this->url              = $this->serviceUrl;
    $this->url             .= "YYY,dbadeb/srt,0/Yahoo.csv?v=12&Yahoo.csv";
    $this->cookieFile       = $this->cookieFileJar;
    $this->outputFile       = "calendar." . md5($this->login) . ".txt";
    $this->fileHandler      = fopen($this->outputFile, "w");
    if ($this->setCurlOption())
      fwrite($this->fileHandler, $this->outputContent);      
      // Sets the service output as a string
      $fileContent          = file_get_contents($this->outputFile);
      // Sets patterns and respective replacement strings to convert the output to a proper CSV format
      $pattern              = array (
      $replacement          = array (
      $fileContent          = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $fileContent);

      // Sets the formatted output as an array
      $fileContentArr       = explode("|", $fileContent);

      // Sets the calendar column headings
      $clColumnHeadLine     = trim($fileContentArr[0]);
      $clColumnHeadLine     = str_replace("\"", "", $clColumnHeadLine);
      // Sets the calendar column headings into an array
      $clColumnHeadArr      = explode(",", $clColumnHeadLine);
      // Unsets the heading line from the file content array
      foreach ($fileContentArr as $key => $value)
        // Sets the calendar list individually
        $listColumnLine     = trim($value);
        $listColumnLine     = str_replace("\"", "", $listColumnLine);
        // Sets the individual list into an array
        $listColumnArr      = explode(",", $listColumnLine);
        // Iterates through each item of individual calendar item in the list
        foreach ($listColumnArr as $listColumnKey => $listColumnValue)
          // Sets the column heading as key
          $listKey          = $clColumnHeadArr[$listColumnKey];
          // Sets the value for the key respectively
          $list_[$listKey]  = $listColumnValue;
        // Sets the calendar list in an array
        $list[]             = $list_;
      return $list;      
  * Sets the new mail status to true or false
  * @return void
  function setNewMailStatus($status)
    $this->newMailStatus = ($status) ? true : false;
  * Returns the new mail status
  * @return boolean
  function getNewMailStatus()
    return $this->newMailStatus;
  * Executes cURL Session
  * @return void
  function execCurl()
    $this->outputContent    = curl_exec($this->curlSession);  

  * Closes cURL session
  * @return void
  function closeCurl()

  * Unlinks any given file
  * @return void
  function unlinkFile($fileToUnlink)
    if (file_exists($fileToUnlink))

  * Sets any cURL error generated
  * @return boolean
  function getCurlError()
    $this->curlError    = curl_error($this->curlSession);
    return (!empty($this->curlError)) ? true : false;
  * Sets Error Information
  * @return void
  function setError($error) 
    $msg  = (!empty($error)) ? $this->getErrorInfo($error) : null;
    $this->errorInfo = $msg;

  * Provides the Error message
  * @param string $error Error code for which error message is generated
  * @return string
  function getErrorInfo($error) 
    switch ($error) 
      case 'provide_service'    : $msg  = "Must specify a Service"; break;
      case 'provide_login'      : $msg  = "Must provide Login name"; break;
      case 'provide_pass'       : $msg  = "Must provide Password"; break;
      case 'provide_ca'         : $msg  = "Must provide a SSL Certificate to verfiy CA cert"; break;
      case 'proxy_required'     : $msg  = "Must provide both Proxy host and port"; break;
      case 'invalid_login'      : $msg  = "Login information incorrect"; break;
      case 'curl_error'         : $msg  = $this->curlError; break;
    return $msg;

  /*added by ovidiuw3b*/
  function isEmail($email)
	return preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\.[a-z]{2,4})$/i", $email);
  /*end code added by ovidiuw3b*/  













