Java2WSDL: Building WSDL from Java

The Java2WSDL and WSDL2Java emitters make it easy to develop a new web service. The following sections describe the steps in building a web service from a Java interface.

Step 1: Provide a Java interface or class

Write and compile a Java interface (or class) that describes the web service interface. Here is an example interface that describes a web services that can be used to set/query the price of widgets (samples/userguide/example6/

package samples.userguide.example6;

 * Interface describing a web service to set and get Widget prices.
public interface WidgetPrice {
  public void setWidgetPrice(String widgetName, String price);
  public String getWidgetPrice(String widgetName);

Note: If you compile your class with debug information, Java2WSDL will use the debug information to obtain the method parameter names.

Step 2: Create WSDL using Java2WSDL

Use the Java2WSDL tool to create a WSDL file from the interface above.

Here is an example invocation that produces the wsdl file (wp.wsdl) from the interface described in the previous section:

% java org.apache.axis.wsdl.Java2WSDL -o wp.wsdl
    -n  "urn:Example6" -p"samples.userguide.example6" "urn:Example6"


  • -o indicates the name of the output WSDL file
  • -l indicates thelocation of the service
  • -n is the target namespace of the WSDL file
  • -p indicates a mapping from the package to a namespace. There may be multiple mappings.
  • the class specified contains the interface of the webservice.

The output WSDL document will contain the appropriate WSDL types, messages, portType, bindings and service descriptions to support a SOAP rpc, encoding web service. If your specified interface methods reference other classes, the Java2WSDL tool will generate the appropriate xml types to represent the classes and any nested/inherited types. The tool supports JAX-RPC complex types (bean classes), extension classes, enumeration classes, arrays and Holder classes.

The Java2WSDL tool has many additional options which are detailed in the reference guide. There is an Ant Task to integrate this action with an Ant based build process.



