<script type="text/javascript" src="$tpsContent.setContentPath("static/lib/build/utilities.js")"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="$tpsContent.setContentPath("static/lib/build/json.js")"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="$tpsContent.setContentPath("static/lib/build/datasource-beta.js")"></script <script type="text/javascript" src="$tpsContent.setContentPath("static/lib/build/datatable-beta.js")"></script>
<div class="bd"> <div id="demo"> <div id="paging"> </div> <div id="dt"></div> </div
<script type="text/javascript"> YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady(function () { var DataSource = YAHOO.util.DataSource, DataTable = YAHOO.widget.DataTable, Paginator = YAHOO.widget.Paginator; var mySource = new DataSource("$tpsContent.setContentPath("user/user_paginator.do?")"); mySource.responseType = DataSource.TYPE_JSON; mySource.responseSchema = { resultsList: 'data', fields: ["userId","userName"], totalRecords: 'totalRecords' }; var buildQueryString = function (state,dt) { return "startIndex=" + state.pagination.recordOffset + "&results=" + state.pagination.rowsPerPage; }; var myPaginator = new Paginator({ containers : ["paging"], pageLinks : 5, rowsPerPage : 10, rowsPerPageOptions : [10,15,20], template : "<strong>{CurrentPageReport}</strong> {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown}" }); var myTableConfig = { initialRequest : 'startIndex=0&results=10', generateRequest : buildQueryString, paginationEventHandler : DataTable.handleDataSourcePagination, paginator : myPaginator }; var myColumnDefs = [ { key:"userId", label:"工号", width:100, resizeable:true, sortable:true }, { key:"userName", label:"姓名", width:585, resizeable:true, sortable:false } ]; var myTable = new DataTable('dt', myColumnDefs, mySource, myTableConfig); }); </script>
<div id="dt-pag-nav"> <span id="prevLink"><</span> Showing items <span id="startIndex">0</span> - <span id="endIndex">24</span> <span id="ofTotal"></span> <span id="nextLink">></span> </div> <div id="serverpagination"></div>
<script type="text/javascript"> YAHOO.namespace("tps"); // 监听端口 YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", function() { // grid 需要完成的功能有:表格显示数据源,数据源来自 ajax 请求,分页同样是 ajax 请求 // 工号排序,修改选中记录 // TODO:1、通过某个事件触发 ajax 请求;2、将返回的数据转成 json;3、分页模块的实现;4、绑定选中事件的监听函数。 // TODO:涉及到的组件分别是:1、connection manager;2、JSON;3、paginator;4、event YAHOO.tps.ServerPagination = new function() { var GRID_WIDTH = 685; // 定义表头 var myColumnDefs = [ { key:"userId", label:"工号", width:100, resizeable:true, sortable:true }, { key:"userName", label:"姓名", width:GRID_WIDTH - 100, resizeable:true, sortable:false } ]; // 配置数据源,来自一个 json this.myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource("$tpsContent.setContentPath("user/user_paginator.do?")"); this.myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSON; this.myDataSource.responseSchema = { resultsList: "data", fields: ["userId","userName"] }; // 自定义表格 var myConfigs = { initialRequest: "startIndex=0&results=20" }; // 拿到 id 生成 grid this.myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("grid", myColumnDefs, this.myDataSource, myConfigs); // Custom code to parse the raw server data for Paginator values and page links this.myDataSource.doBeforeCallback = function(oRequest, oRawResponse, oParsedResponse) { var oSelf = YAHOO.tps.ServerPagination; var oDataTable = oSelf.myDataTable; // Get Paginator values //var oRawResponse = oRawResponse.parseJSON(); //oRawResponse.parseJSON(); // Parse the JSON data var recordsReturned = oRawResponse.pageSize; // How many records this page var startIndex = oRawResponse.startIndex; // Start record index this page var endIndex = startIndex + recordsReturned -1; // End record index this page var totalRecords = oRawResponse.totalRecords; // Total records all pages // Update the DataTable Paginator with new values var newPag = { recordsReturned: recordsReturned, startRecordIndex: startIndex, endIndex: endIndex, totalResults: totalRecords } oDataTable.updatePaginator(newPag); // Update the links UI YAHOO.util.Dom.get("prevLink").innerHTML = (startIndex === 0) ? "<" : "<a href=\"#previous\" alt=\"Show previous items\"><</a>" ; YAHOO.util.Dom.get("nextLink").innerHTML = (endIndex >= totalRecords) ? ">" : "<a href=\"#next\" alt=\"Show next items\">></a>"; YAHOO.util.Dom.get("startIndex").innerHTML = startIndex; YAHOO.util.Dom.get("endIndex").innerHTML = endIndex; YAHOO.util.Dom.get("ofTotal").innerHTML = " of " + totalRecords; // Let the DataSource parse the rest of the response return oParsedResponse; }; this.getPage = function(nStartRecordIndex, nResults) { // If a new value is not passed in // use the old value if(!YAHOO.lang.isValue(nResults)) { nResults = this.myDataTable.get("paginator").totalRecords; } // Invalid value if(!YAHOO.lang.isValue(nStartRecordIndex)) { return; } var newRequest = "startIndex=" + nStartRecordIndex + "&results=" + nResults; this.myDataSource.sendRequest(newRequest, this.myDataTable.onDataReturnInitializeTable, this.myDataTable); }; this.getPreviousPage = function(e) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(e); // Already at first page if(this.myDataTable.get("paginator").startRecordIndex === 0) { return; } var newStartRecordIndex = this.myDataTable.get("paginator").startRecordIndex - this.myDataTable.get("paginator").rowsThisPage; this.getPage(newStartRecordIndex); }; this.getNextPage = function(e) { YAHOO.util.Event.stopEvent(e); // Already at last page if(this.myDataTable.get("paginator").startRecordIndex + this.myDataTable.get("paginator").rowsThispage >= this.myDataTable.get("paginator").totalRecords) { return; } var newStartRecordIndex = this.myDataTable.get("paginator").startRecordIndex + this.myDataTable.get("paginator").rowsThisPage; this.getPage(newStartRecordIndex); }; YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("prevLink"), "click", this.getPreviousPage, this, true); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("nextLink"), "click", this.getNextPage, this, true); }; }); </script>
// Global init var to run Loader only once var gRunInit = true; var gRunDataTable = true; YAHOO_config = { load: { require: ['yahoo'], base: '../../build/', onLoadComplete: function(loader) { if(gRunInit) { gRunInit = false; YAHOO.example.checkJson = function(name, loaderCallback) { if (Object.prototype.toJSONString) { loaderCallback(); } else { setTimeout(function() { YAHOO.example.checkJson(name, loaderCallback); }, 3); } }; loader.addModule({ name: "json", type: "js", fullpath: "assets/js/json.js", verifier: YAHOO.example.checkJson }); loader.require("fonts", "json", "connection", "datatable"); loader.onLoadComplete = function(loader) { if(gRunDataTable) { gRunDataTable = false; YAHOO.example.ServerPagination = new function() { .......................//接上面代码段 } loader.insert(); } }