

Every so often I find the need to venture further beyond the bland world of default Flex skins that usually fail to enhance my rapid web application prototypes. When I do this, I usually turn to one of my trusty Flex 2 books (Mr. Tretola or Mr. Kazoun’s masterpieces) to reference this art I, for some reason, never retain to memory.


Digging a little deeper, I found a very casual yet detailed article written by my old friend Jeffery Bennett of Yahoo!’s Media Innovation Group. His article in Yahoo Developer Network’s Flash Developer Center is called “Skinning in Flex: Beauty is Only Skin Deep“. If you ever wanted to give your Flex apps a makeover, you’ve got to read this post.


But it doesn’t end there… After Jeffery’s detailed, screenshot by screenshot walk-through (very easy on the eyes), some very informative links are provided. Scalenine has a wealth of user-submitted skins. Also, if you’ve ever wanted to add some purple to your app, try the Yahoo! Flex Skin. Joe Magnani picks up where Jeffery leaves off, and shows you how to further add some Y! polish to your Flex app.


本文转自 http://www.chuckstar.com/blog/?p=131
