The above single statement containsa lot of meaning. First of all, we aresimply defining our own data type,“year_type.”Make sure that “year_type” is not a variable. It is a user defined data type. According to the above statement, “year_type” is a data type which can hold a set (or table) of values (typically of type “number”),organized with a BINARY_INTEGER index. The BINARY_INTEGER in this scenario simply acts as a location number or position of the memory location within the table (or simply called an index).
The word "table" here has nothing to do with database tables, confusingly. The methods create in-memory arrays
Sample 1:数组的游标可以是任何数字,数组的长度随时可以增加
declare type year_type is table of number index by binary_integer; year_sales year_type; tot_sales number; begin year_sales(1990) := 34000; year_sales(1991) := 45000; year_sales(1992) := 43000; tot_sales := year_sales(1990) + year_sales(1991) + year_sales(1992); dbms_output.put_line('Total sales: ' || tot_sales); end;
declare type year_type is table of number index by binary_integer; year_sales year_type; tot_sales number := 0; i number; begin year_sales(1990) := 34000; year_sales(1991) := 45000; year_sales(1992) := 43000; year_sales(1993) := 13000; year_sales(1994) := 53000; for i in 1990..1994 loop tot_sales := tot_sales + year_sales(i); dbms_output.put_line('Sales of ' || i || ': ' || year_sales(i)); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('Total sales: ' || tot_sales); end;
declare type year_type is table of number index by binary_integer; year_sales year_type; tot_sales number := 0; i number; begin year_sales(1990) := 34000; year_sales(1991) := 45000; year_sales(1992) := 43000; year_sales(1996) := 13000; year_sales(1998) := 53000; for i in 1990..2000 loop if year_sales.exists(i) then tot_sales := tot_sales + year_sales(i); dbms_output.put_line('Sales of ' || i || ': ' || year_sales(i)); end if; end loop; dbms_output.put_line('Total sales: ' || tot_sales); end;
If we know the data size of data that we are operate we can use VARRAYs that are lenght fixed, this is Oracle environment so the subscripts start from 1,Alternative is using VARRAY, where array subscript starts from 1 and the length of VARRAYs is fixed.
语法:TYPE VarrayType is VARRAY(size) of ElementType;
You create a varray type using the SQL DDL CREATE TYPE statement.You specify the maximum size and the type of elements stored in the varray when creating the
The basic Oracle syntax for the CREATE TYPE statement for a VARRAY type definition would be:CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE name-of-type IS VARRAY(nn)of type
SQL> CREATE Or Replace TYPE addressVarray AS VARRAY(2) OF VARCHAR2(50); 2 / Type created. SQL> SQL> desc addressVarray; addressVarray VARRAY(2) OF VARCHAR2(50) SQL>
Sample 1:
example declare type NumberVarray is varray(100) of NUMERIC(10); myArray NumberVarray; BEGIN myArray := NumberVarray(1,10,100,1000,10000); myArray(1) = 2; for i in myArray.first..myArray.last loop DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('myArray('||i||') :'||myArray(i)); end loop; end; END; OUTPUT: myArray(1) : 2 myArray(2) : 10 myArray(3) : 100 myArray(4) : 1000 myArray(5) : 10000
Sample 2:
declare type array_t is varray(3) of varchar2(10); array array_t := array_t('Matt', 'Joanne', 'Robert'); begin for i in 1..array.count loop dbms_output.put_line(array(i)); end loop; end;
More VARRAY ARRAY Example Refer:http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Oracle/0520__Collections/CreatingaVarrayType.htm