what in OpenBSD

Shell:~ >: wh
what           whence         whereis        which-command  who            whois         
whatis         where          which          while          whoami

Shell:~ >: whereis what

Shell:~ >: cd /usr/bin

Shell:/usr/bin >: what what
     Copyright (c) 1980, 1988, 1993
    $OpenBSD: what.c,v 1.11 2003/07/10 00:06:52 david Exp $
Shell:/usr/bin >: whatis what
what (1) - show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file

Shell:/usr/bin >: whatis what whatis whence where whereis which which-command while
what (1) - show what versions of object modules were used to construct a file
whatis (1) - describe what a command is
whereis (1) - locate programs
which (1) - locate a program file (or files) in the path
Converts a file with native (1) -encoded characters (characters which are non-Latin 1 and non-Unicode) to one with Unicode-encoded characters.
whence: not found
where: not found
which-command: not found
while: not found

Shell:/usr/bin >: whereis what whatis whence where whereis which which-command while

Shell:/usr/bin >: alias | grep wh

whence, where, while inside zsh.
