
// Test1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class ClxBase
    ClxBase() { cout << "Output from the constructor of class ClxBase!" << endl; };
    virtual ~ClxBase() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl; };
    virtual void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; };

class ClxDerived : public ClxBase
    ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the constructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; };
    ~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; 
    void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; };

/* 情形一
// Output from the constructor of class ClxBase!
// Do something in class ClxBase!
// Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	ClxBase pTest;
	return 0;

/* 情形二
// 输出为:
// Output from the constructor of class ClxBase!
// Output from the constructor of class ClxDerived!
// Do something in class ClxDerived!

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	ClxBase *pTest = new ClxDerived;
	return 0;

/* 情形三
// 输出为:
// Output from the constructor of class ClxBase!
// Output from the constructor of class ClxDerived!
// Do something in class ClxDerived!
// Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!
// Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	ClxBase *pTest = new ClxDerived;
	delete pTest;
	return 0;

/* 情形四  
// Output from the constructor of class ClxBase!  
// Output from the constructor of class ClxDerived!  
// Do something in class ClxDerived! 
// Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!   
// Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!   

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])  
    ClxDerived pTest;  
    return 0;  

// Test2.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class ClxBase
    ClxBase() { cout << "Output from the constructor of class ClxBase!" << endl; };
    ~ClxBase() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxBase!" << endl; };
    virtual void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxBase!" << endl; };

class ClxDerived : public ClxBase
    ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the constructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; };
    ~ClxDerived() { cout << "Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!" << endl; }; 
    void DoSomething() { cout << "Do something in class ClxDerived!" << endl; };

/* 情形三
// 输出为:
// Output from the constructor of class ClxBase!
// Output from the constructor of class ClxDerived!
// Do something in class ClxDerived!
// Output from the destructor of class ClxDerived!

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	ClxBase *pTest = new ClxDerived;
	delete pTest;
	return 0;

