



1, startup

1.1 a few background

1.2 how to configure the development environment

1.2 choose one great editor to use for development

1.3 The Hello World Program

1.4 Accepting User Input

1.5 Conditionals


2, Blocks, Variable Scope, and Subroutines

2.1 Programming a Simple Calculator

2.2 Code Blocks, Subroutines, and Variable Scope

2.3 better calculator


3, The Loop

3.1 The While Loop

3.2 The for loop


4, Arrays

4.1 What is an Array?

4.2  Methods of Declaring / Working with Arrays (Scalars vs. List)

4.3 The Push Function

4.4 Finish a Number Guessing Game


5, Hash

5.1 What is a Hash?

5.2 How to use it?

5.3 What is the structure of Hash?


6, Regrex

6.1 What is Regex?

6.2 The Substitution Operator

6.3 Basic Regex operation


7, File operations

7.1 How to read a file

7.2 How to write some contents in a file(applend or overwrite)

7.3 Regrex on a given file


8, Module from CPAN

8.1 How to search a Module

8.2 How to install a Module

8.3 Howo to use a Module


9, Socket

9.1 How to use the socket


10, Code Style

10.1 Style Introduction

10.2 Naming Conventions

10.3 Conditionals

10.4 Parentheses



