WIN7下安装SQL Studio报“Fail to load dll: SQLStudioDSQL”的解决方案


    It seems that the deinstallation of SQL Studio did not work correctly.
If you use Win2000 under the directory e.g. C:\Program Files\InstallShield
Installation Information\...
one of the keys like {A17B3C90-13BB-11D5-B33C-0050DADEFE1A} should contain a
file Setup.ini with an entry AppName=SAPDB SQL Studio. Please delete the
directory {A17B3C90-13BB-11D5-B33C-0050DADEFE1A}. Installshield should
reinstall the complete SQL Studio.


the current SQL Studio setup does not recognize Windows Vista.
But there is a workaround for your problem.
If you have SQL Studio already installed on Windows NT or Windows 2000 copy the \
SQLStudioDSQL.dll into the installation directory of SQL Studio on Windows \
Then open a command prompt with administrator rights and execute "regsvr32 \
.\SQLStudioDSQL.dll" in the installation directory of SQL Studio



