This section describes how to install, configure and manage the ActiveBPEL™ engine.
The ActiveBPEL engine requires an installed and properly configured servlet container. It has been tested with Apache Tomcat 5.x. The installation scripts that come with the ActiveBPEL engine use the environment variable CATALINA_HOME, which defines the top-level Tomcat directory. The ActiveBPEL engine should run under any standard servlet container.
You can download Tomcat from theApache Tomcat Web siteor from the ActiveBPEL downloads page.
Downloading the Software
Download the most recent version of the ActiveBPEL engine from the download page. You will have a choice of downloading either a .tar.gz file or a .zip file. Both archives contain the same files. The name of the archive will be activebpel-version-type.tar.gz or Version is a version number like "1.0.1". Type is one of "src" (source), "bin" (binaries), or "all" (source and binaries).
Extract the distribution from the archive using your favorite command line or GUI tool. Doing so will create a directory named activebpel-version. You may create, rename, or move this directory anywhere you wish. For the rest of this document, we will simply call this directory "activebpel".
Installing the ActiveBPEL Engine
Run the script install.bat (Windows) or (Unix). It copies the contents of lib into $CATALINA_HOME/shared/lib and creates the directory $CATALINA_HOME/bpr, where BPEL process .bpr archives are deployed.
C:\> cd \activebpel C:\activebpel> install.bat |
% cd activebpel activebpel% |
Changing Engine Configuration Parameters
There are a few server parameters that are configurable via a small XML file named aeEngineConfig.xml, which is is found in the directory $CATALINA_HOME/bpr. Configuration changes made via the BpelAdmin configuration page, normally found at http://localhost:8080/BpelAdmin/config.jsp, are saved to this file.
Online help about engine configuration is available by clicking the "Help" link at the bottom of the left-side menu on every BpelAdmin page.
Deploying Your BPEL Process
If the ActiveBPEL engine is running, soon after you deploy your BPEL process the ActiveBPEL engine will notice the .bpr file and read it. Your BPEL process is ready to use.
See the next section for instructions on starting and stopping the engine.
Starting the ActiveBPEL Engine
To start the ActiveBPEL engine, start your servlet container.
C:\activebpel> %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\startup.bat |
activebpel% $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ |
When running on Unix, you may need root privileges.
Stopping the Engine
To stop the ActiveBPEL engine, stop your servlet container.
C:\> %CATALINA_HOME%\bin\shutdown.bat |
When running on Unix, you may need root privileges.
When the servlet engine (for example, Tomcat) is running, there are two Web pages available that display information about the server: the Axis Web services listing and the ActiveBPEL engine admistration page.
Axis Web Services Listing
The page at http://localhost:8080/active-bpel/servicesis generated by Axis (modify the host and port to suit your installation). It lists all of the Web services that are available. This list is independent of the ActiveBPEL engine; the engine hands Web services to Axis to deploy. Each service lists its available operations and has a "wsdl" link next to its name. Clicking on that link causes Axis to generate the WSDL for that Web service and send it to your browser. (If your browser does not display anything, then you can use your browser's "Save Link As..." feature to save the WSDL to your computer and look at it that way.) The format for each WSDL link is .../services/ServiceName?wsdl so you can type the link in directly if you desire.
ActiveBPEL Engine Administration
The Web page at http://localhost:8080/BpelAdmin/is the ActiveBPEL engine administration page (again, modify the host and port to suit your installation). From that page you can see and edit the engine's configuration parameters and click the links on the left to see information about the deployed and active BPEL processes.
The engine configuration parameters are described in the online help available from the BpelAdmin pages.
Clicking on "Deployed Processes" displays a list of the BPEL processes deployed within the engine.
Clicking on "Active Processes" displays by default a list of the BPEL processes that are running, have completed, or faulted. Click on "Running" or "Complete" in "Process Filter Selections" to limit the process display to those states.
Clicking on "Receive Queue" displays a list of queued receives.
Debugging and Logging
Tomcat writes its log files to the directory $CATALINA_HOME/logs (under Windows, %CATALINA_HOME%\logs).
For information about ActiveBPEL engine logging, seeDebugging and Logging.