RFC 3263 SIP: SIP 定位服务器

............................ ..............................
. . . .
. +-------+ . . +-------+ .
. | | . . | | .
. | Proxy |------------- | Proxy | .
. | 1 | . . | 2 | .
. | | . . | | .
. / +-------+ . . +-------+ / .
. / . . / .
. / . . / .
. / . . / .
. / . . / .
. / . . / .
. / . . / .
. / . . / .
. +-------+ . . +-------+ .
. | | . . | | .
. | | . . | | .
. | UA 1 | . . | UA 2 | .
. | | . . | | .
. +-------+ . . +-------+ .
. Domain A . . Domain B .
............................ ..............................

Figure 1: The SIP trapezoid

Table of Contents

1 Introduction ........................................ 2
2 Problems DNS is Needed to Solve ..................... 2
3 Terminology ......................................... 5
4 Client Usage ........................................ 5
4.1 Selecting a Transport Protocol ...................... 6
4.2 Determining Port and IP Address ..................... 8
4.3 Details of RFC 2782 Process ......................... 9
4.4 Consideration for Stateless Proxies ................. 10
5 Server Usage ........................................ 11
6 Constructing SIP URIs ............................... 12
7 Security Considerations ............................. 12
8 The Transport Determination Application ............. 13
9 IANA Considerations ................................. 14
10 Acknowledgements .................................... 14
11 Normative References ................................ 15
12 Informative References .............................. 15

Rosenberg & Schulzrinne Standards Track [Page 1]

RFC 3263 SIP: Locating SIP Servers June 2002

13 Authors' Addresses .................................. 16
14 Full Copyright Statement ............................ 17
