
And, you know, clearly there is this skill set called leadership, and, you know, whether or not you like the series, there's no doubt that there was a lot to be learned about how to lead people by watching this guy in action. And he just had the coolest damn toys! [laughter] [shows slide of Star Trek gadgets] I mean, my god, I just thought it was fascinating as a kid that he had this thing [Takes out Star Trek Communicator] and he could talk to the ship with it. I just thought that was just spectacular, and of course now I own one and it's smaller. [takes out cell phone] So that's kind of cool.

但你知道,很显然有种能耐叫领导能力,而且,不管你喜欢这个电视系列与否,你可以从观察他的行动中学到很多如何领导别人。另外,他还有最酷的玩具![笑] [放星际迷航小玩具的幻灯]我的意思是,天啊,我小时候为他有这玩意儿而着迷[拿出星际迷航报话机]他可以用它跟飞船通话。我觉得那可真抢眼,当然现在我自己有一个,尺寸还小些。[拿出手机] 这个挺酷。

So I got to achieve this dream. James T. Kirk, and his alter ego William Shatner, wrote a book, which I think was actually a pretty cool book. It was with Chip Walter who is a Pittsburgh- based author who is quite good, and they wrote a book on basically the science of Star Trek, you know, what has come true. And they went around to the top places around the country and looked at various things and they came here to study our virtual reality setup. And so we build a virtual reality for him, it looks something like that. [shows slide of virtual Star Trek command center] We put it in, put it to red alert. He was a very good sport. It's not like he saw that one coming. [laughter] And it's really cool to meet your boyhood idol, but it's even cooler when he comes to you to see what cool stuff you're doing in your lab. And that was just a great moment.

最终我实现了这个梦想。柯克船长和他的本尊威廉.夏特纳,写了一本书,我认为这是一本很酷的书。与CHIP沃尔特,一个在匹兹堡的挺好的作者,合写的。他们的书,基本上关于星际迷航的科学,就是,电视中的科幻有那些变成现实了。他们去全国各处最高学府访问参观,他们来这里研究我们虚拟现实的设置。我们为他建了一个虚拟现实系统,它看起来就像这样。 [放显示星际迷航指挥中心幻灯]我们把系统放到红色警报。他是一个非常有趣的人。他可没预见到这个。[笑]遇见你儿时的偶像是很酷,但他来你的实验室看你做的精彩工作就更酷。而这真是一个让我得意的时刻。

All right, winning stuffed animals. This may seem mundane to you, but when you're a little kid and you see the big buff guys walking around the amusement park and they got all these big stuffed animals, right? And this is my lovely wife, and I have a lot of pictures of stuffed animals I've won. [laughter] [shows slides of several large stuffed animals] That's my dad posing with one that I won. I've won a lot of these animals. There's my dad, he did win that one to his credit. And this was just a big part of my life and my family's life. But you know, I can hear the cynics. In this age of digitally manipulated things, maybe those bears really aren't in the pictures with me, or maybe I paid somebody five bucks to take a picture in the theme park next to the bear. And I said, how, in this age of cynicism can I convince people? And I said, I know, I can show them the bears! Bring them out. [several large stuffed animals are brought onto the stage] [laughter and clapping] Just put them back against the wall.

赢得玩具毛绒动物。这对你们可能看起来很平常,可当你是一个小孩子,你会看到大壮汉们在游乐园走来走去,拿着那些大毛绒动物,对不对?这是我可爱的妻子,我有很多我赢的毛绒动物的照片。 [笑] [放几个大毛绒动物的幻灯]就是我的爸爸跟我赢的毛绒动物的合影,我赢过很多。这还有我爸爸,他的确赢了这个。这些是我和我家生活的一个重要部分。但你知道,我能听到玩事不恭的人怀疑“在这个数码技术操控现实的时代,也许那些相片中玩具熊并没有真的和我在一起,也许我付了某人五块钱在主题公园的玩具熊旁照相”。我想,如何在这个犬儒主义的时代,使人信服?我说,我知道,我可以让他们看见那些熊!带出来。 [舞台上搬来几个大毛绒动物] [笑声及掌声]就把它们靠着墙放。

Jai Pausch (Randy's wife):


Randy Pausch:

Thanks honey. [laughter] So here are some bears. We didn't have quite enough room in the moving truck down to Chesapeake, and anybody who would like a little piece of me at the end of this, feel free to come up, first come first served.

谢谢,亲爱的。 [笑] 我们的搬家卡车没有足够的空间把这些熊载到至切萨皮克,所以要有人在演讲结束时想要我生命的一部分,请自便上来拿,先到先得。

All right, my next one. Being an Imagineer. This was the hard one. Believe me, getting to zero gravity is easier than becoming an Imagineer. When I was a kid, I was eight years old and our family took a trip cross-country to see Disneyland. And if you've ever seen the movie National Lampoon's Vacation, it was a lot like that! [laughter] It was a quest. [shows slides of family at Disneyland] And these are real vintage photographs, and there I am in front of the castle. And there I am, and for those of you who are into foreshadowing, this is the Alice ride. [laughter] And I just thought this was just the coolest coolest environment I had ever been in, and instead of saying, gee, I want to experience this, I said, I want to make stuff like this.

好,下一个,做迪士尼幻想工程师。这个很难。相信我,去体验零重力比做迪士尼幻想工程师容易。我小时候,8岁时家人带我横跨美国去迪士尼乐园玩。如果你看电影“假期历险记”,跟哪个很像! [笑]那是一次远征。 [放全家在迪士尼的幻灯] 这些都是好老的照片,这有我在城堡前面照的。还有,对在座的爱讲先兆的人,这是爱丽丝飞车。[笑] 我想这是我所呆过的最酷最酷的地方了。但我不是说,哎呀,我想体验这个,我说,我要造这些东西。

And so I bided time and then I graduated with my Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon, thinking that meant me infinitely qualified to do anything. And I dashed off my letters of applications to Walt Disney Imagineering, and they sent me some of the damned nicest go-to-hell letters I have ever gotten. [laughter] I mean it was just, we have carefully reviewed your application and presently we do not have any positions available which require your particular qualifications.


Now think about the fact that you're getting this from a place that's famous for guys who sweep the street. [laughter] So that was a bit of a setback. But remember, the brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. Because the brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They're there to stop the other people.

现在想想你是从个以扫大街的人闻名的地方得到这些回绝信。 [笑]所以这是有点挫折。但请记住,砖墙在那里是有原因的。砖墙不是要挡住我们。砖墙是要给我们机会说明我们有多迫切的想得到。因为砖墙是要阻挡那些不诚心的人,那些其他人。

All right, fast forward to 1991. We did a system back at the University of Virginia called Virtual Reality on Five Dollars a Day. Just one of those unbelievable spectacular things. I was so scared back in those days as a junior academic. Jim Foley's here, and I just love to tell this story. He knew my undergraduate advisor, Andy Van Dam, and I'm at my first conference and I'm just scared to death. And this icon in the user interface community walks up to me and just out of nowhere just gives me this huge bear hug and he says, that was from Andy. And that was when I thought, ok, maybe I can make it. Maybe I do belong.


And a similar story is that this was just this unbelievable hit because at the time, everybody needed a half a million to do virtual reality. And everybody felt frustrated. And we literally hacked together a system for about five thousand dollars in parts and made a working VR system. And people were just like, oh my god, you know, the Hewlett Packard garage thing. This is so awesome. And so in giving this talk and the room has just gone wild, and during the Q and A, a guy named Tom Furness, who was one of the big names in virtual reality at the time, he goes up to the microphone and he introduces himself. I didn't know what he looked like but I sure as hell knew the name. And he asked a question. And I was like, I'm sorry did you say you were Tom Furness? And he said yes. I said, then I would love to answer your question, but first, will you have lunch with me tomorrow? [laughter] And there's a lot in that little moment, there's a lot of humility but also asking a person where he can't possibly say no. [laughter]


And so Imagineering a couple of......
