
many of us may only need to use data reduction. data backup is to make the key data in DB.
it may provided by one of us.

Data Backup from DB(数据备份) :
---not need to do this if you don't want to backup you data in db.
---it will get two files right after this, "averportaldata.sql" and "resource" folder.

1,open command line.input the command "cmd".
2, input the follow command.
   mysqldump -u root -p averportal > c:\averportaldata.sql --hex-blob
3, find the file averportaldata.sql in the path "c:\averportaldata.sql".
4, find the folder "resource" in your workspace of your eclipse, like "C:\Documents and    Settings\walter\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0   \wtpwebapps\AVerPortal\DATA\resource"

Data Reduction to DB(数据还原)
---here provides the key data for testing.
---two resources need: the sql files "averportaldata.sql" and the folder "resource"

1,copy your sql file "averportaldata.sql"  to the path "c:\". run the command below.
   mysql -u root -p averportal < c:\averportaldata.sql
2, find workspace of your eclipse.Something like this: "C:\Documents and    Settings\walter\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0   \wtpwebapps\AVerPortal\DATA". copy the folder here.

你可能感兴趣的:(eclipse,sql,c,mysql,SQL Server)