1. Inline Posts 如果想让你的子页面像首页一样出现文章列表
Wordpress lets you create pages that contain static content. The Talks and About pages on this blog are two examples. Unfortunately, until now you could not include posts inside of these static pages. With my new Inline Posts Wordpress Plugin (version 2.1.2g) (2KB), you can!
See the SWX Showcase and SWX documentation pages on swxformat.org for an example of the plugin in use.
Download and install the plugin and you can include posts in pages (and other posts) by entering the Post ID surrounded by double square brackets ([[nnnn]] where nnnn is the numeric ID of the post you want to include).
The ability to include posts in pages is something I've felt the need for several times in the past. Basically, the idea is to use posts as sections within a page, with the post title appearing as the section header.
Most recently, I wanted to create the SWX documentation for the SWX homepage as a series of blog posts. This way, each section could have comments on it and I could easily update a single section by editing a post and change the order of sections on the page by changing the order of simple tags that correspond to the posts. I could also show atomic last-modified info for each section so it would be immediately obvious if any sections drift woefully out of date (something that can easily happen to long pieces of documentation).
Since this functionality didn't exist (and believe me, I searched far and wide on the Internets), I decided to roll up my sleeves and try my hand at creating my first Wordpress plugin. It was not a difficult process once I tracked down the hook I needed to latch onto and blew the relearned regular expressions for the umpteenth time.
That's it! :)
You can also include posts in other posts using this method (though I'm not entirely sure why you would want to!) And, since pages are really just posts (confused yet?), you can use the Page ID to include a page in a post or a page in another page too if you really feel like that will make your life better! :)
To see an example of it in use, look at the Wordpress page on this blog as you will see this post included in it. Note that this is the first version of the plugin and I'm testing it out as I go. It's only been tested (and not much, at that) on Wordpress 2.1.2. I've tested it on 2.1.2, 2.3.x, and it's running well on 2.5. That said, use at your own risk! :)
I hope this plugin will be as useful for you as it has been for me.
2. 批量转移分类插件 Batch Categories
Batch Categories 插件可以批量修改日志分类也可按关键词批量添加和移除分类,对于我这个频繁更改文章分类的人来说,非常方便。
直接下载 Batch Categories ,解压,上传,后台激活在工具里面就可以找到它了 !