dojo ajax 方法参数讲解 dojo.xhrPost

field type description
content: Object Contains properties with string values. These properties will be serialized as name1=value2 and passed in the request.

error Function: function(response, ioArgs){} response is of type Object, ioArgs is of type dojo.__IoCallbackArgs. This function will be called when the request fails due to a network or server error, the url is invalid, etc. It will also be called if the load or handle callback throws an exception, unless djConfig.debugAtAllCosts is true. This allows deployed applications to continue to run even when a logic error happens in the callback, while making it easier to troubleshoot while in debug mode.

form : DOMNode DOM node for a form. Used to extract the form values and send to the server.

handle Function : function(response, ioArgs){} response is of type Object, ioArgs is of type dojo.__IoCallbackArgs. This function will be called at the end of every request, whether or not an error occurs.

handleAs : String Acceptable values are: text (default), json, json-comment-optional, json-comment-filtered, javascript, xml

headers : Object Additional HTTP headers to send in the request.

load Function : function(response, ioArgs){} response is of type Object, ioArgs is of type dojo.__IoCallbackArgs. This function will be called on a successful HTTP response code.

preventCache : Boolean Default is false. If true, then a "dojo.preventCache" parameter is sent in the request with a value that changes with each request (timestamp). Useful only with GET-type requests.

sync : Boolean false is default. Indicates whether the request should be a synchronous (blocking) request.

timeout : Integer Milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time passes, the then error callbacks are called.

url : String URL to server endpoint.


base = {
ajax : function(formObj,datas){
var loader = {
                    if(resp instanceof Error){
            sync: false
     loader.form = formObj;
submit: function(formId){
var formObj = dojo.byId(formId);
var datas = {age:20};
当参数中有formObject对象时 可以不需要设置 url,
如果content中有参数,但是form表单中也有参数,则将formObject中的给屏蔽掉,使用content中的,但是对于url中的比如:?a=1 这样的是追加的方式处理
比如form表单中也有 input a = '2',这时传到后台后能够得到两个
