
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6)
Kernel 2.6.9-67.ELsmp on an i686
login: oracle
Password:     //输入密码:

[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus

Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:                //输入密码:

SQL> create temporary tablespace sywg_temp
     tempfile '/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/sywg/sywg_temp01.dbf'        
     size 64m
     autoextend on
     next 64m maxsize 2048m
     extent management local;

SQL>create tablespace sywg_data
     datafile '/home/oracle/product/10.2.0/sywg/sywg_data01.dbf' 
     size 64m
     autoextend on
     next 64m maxsize 2048m
     extent management local;

--//创建用户并指定表空间 用户名和密码均为"sywg"
SQL> create user sywg identified by sywg
     default tablespace sywg_data
     temporary tablespace sywg_temp;
SQL> grant connect,resource to sywg;
SQL> grant create view to sywg;

SQL> commit;

--// 导入建表语句createtable.sql
--// 导入初始化数据basetable.sql
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 6)
Kernel 2.6.9-67.ELsmp on an i686
login: oracle
Password:     //输入密码:

[oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

请输入用户名:  sywg

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

SQL> @createtables.sql;

SQL> @basedata.sql;

SQL> commit;
