
1.Clang Scan-Build Plugin(静态代码扫描)
This plugin provides an new type of build-step and a publisher which can be used together to have an XCode project statically analyzed using the Clang Static Analyzer.
2.Cucumber Plugin 故事驱动模型
3.cucumber-reports 故事驱动报告
4.Hudson iPhoneView plugin Iphone查看
This plugin allows you to view the status of your jobs via iPhone or iPod touch.
5.Xcode integration (build xcode项目)
This plugin provides builders to build xcode projects, invoke agvtool and package .ipa files
6.Image Gallery Plug-in (图片生成项目)
This plug-in reads a job workspace and collects images to produce an image gallery using colorbox lightbox Javascript library.
7.iOS Device connector plugin
Talks to iOS devices connected to slaves and do stuff.
