On working experience

After graduating from liaoning normal university ,I got to software park for working as a software engineer.At that time I worked with very loose atmosphere .I went to the company at 8 o'clock and went home at 5 o'clock.Even druing the work I had so much time to chating with the friends and watch TV serials .Some of my colleagues were liking playing the games.I didnt learn so much from my working experience but the time have past. this experience always makes the people think I have learnt a lot of knowlege about computer either network or developing software or operating system .But as far as I am concerned I didnt know a lot about these things.What I had learnt make me dont admire the persons even who have worked for some years.Just the same as a lot of bachelor admire postgraduate.Now I am a postgraduate and I really foundsome of the postgraduate dont know what they should do in their spare time evenstudy time .

I can predicate that this will make a extream difference from each other among postgraduates.When we discuss the computer man the people always think these person should work from morning till night even midnight with higher salary .But I have to say they could be wrong.I have known so many people from IT field ,who are working with a lot of spare time and higher salary and happy life .I want to say you can choose you life from the begining about what you should learn .

That is all of my working experience.All in all that is from my working experience I have known what I should learn every chance I get .and choose what you like then like what you choose .Only in this ways can you make you life happier.
