Android提供了一套精巧的强大的组件化的模型供你创建你的UI,它们是基于layout的View和ViewGroup的类.这个平台提供了许许多多的已经建好的View和ViewGroup子类-被称为widgets 和 layouts,正如所预期的那样.你可以用这些构造你自己的UI.
一部分可用的widgets包括 Button
, TextView
, EditText
, ListView
, CheckBox
, RadioButton
, Gallery
, Spinner
,和更多特殊用途的widgets: AutoCompleteTextView
, ImageSwitcher
, and TextSwitcher
在这些可用的layouts中,有 LinearLayout
, FrameLayout
, RelativeLayout
, 和其他一些.
class or subclass with your own class.(这句不知道怎么翻译更好,就不翻译了)on
'开头, 例如, onDraw()
, onMeasure()
, and onKeyDown()
. 这是类似在...事件在活动或类扩展,你重写为生命周期,其他功能性回调. 额外的: 扩展类可被定义为activity的内部类使用 .那是非常有用的,因为它控制它们的权限,但不是必要的(可能你想创建一个新的公共View为更广泛的使用你的应用程序).
完全自定义的组件可用于创建任何时候你想让它显示的图形的组件.也许一个图解的声量计看起来像一个旧的模拟计量仪.或者一个单一的文本视图,如果一个反弹球跟着的话,你就能像卡拉ok机一样使用. Either way, you want something that the built-in components just won't do, no matter how you combine them.
and onMeasure()
1.重写的onMeasure()方法被调用的时候使用的具体测量的宽度和高度,需要被当作你要生成的测量高度和宽度的约束的必要条件.一个对这类具体约束的完全引用,需要在 View.onMeasure(int, int)文档中存在.
2. 你组件的onMeasure()方法需要计算传给组件的测量的宽度和高度.它必须保持为具体传过来的值,尽管它可以选择超过它们(这种情况下,父类可以选择做什么,包括clipping, scrolling, throwing an exception, or asking the onMeasure()
to try again, 也许用不同的测量规范).
3.一旦宽度和高度被计算后,setMeasuredDimension(int width, int height)方法必须用计算的测量值调用.不这样做,也会产生一个异常.
Creation | Constructors | There is a form of the constructor that are called when the view is created from code and a form that is called when the view is inflated from a layout file. The second form should parse and apply any attributes defined in the layout file. |
Called after a view and all of its children has been inflated from XML. | |
Layout | |
Called to determine the size requirements for this view and all of its children. |
Called when this view should assign a size and position to all of its children. | |
Called when the size of this view has changed. | |
Drawing | |
Called when the view should render its content. |
Event processing | |
Called when a new key event occurs. |
Called when a key up event occurs. | |
Called when a trackball motion event occurs. | |
Called when a touch screen motion event occurs. | |
Focus | |
Called when the view gains or loses focus. |
Called when the window containing the view gains or loses focus. | |
Attaching | |
Called when the view is attached to a window. |
Called when the view is detached from its window. | |
Called when the visibility of the window containing the view has changed. |
和 AutoCompleteTextView
如果你还没有很好的准备好的话,引入NotePad的列子到elicpse中.特别要看看在NoteEditor.java文件中 MyEditText的定义.
public static class MyEditText extends EditText
由来自外部的NoteEditor类访问. EditText
,在本例中被自定义的View .当我们完成的时候,新的类就可适用于一个普通的EditText view.2.类的初始化
As always, the super is called first. Furthermore, this is not a default constructor, but a parameterized one. The EditText is created with these parameters when it is inflated from an XML layout file, thus, our constructor needs to both take them and pass them to the superclass constructor as well
In this example, there is only one method to be overridden: onDraw()
— but there could easily be others needed when you create your own custom components.
For the NotePad sample, overriding the onDraw()
method allows us to paint the blue lines on the EditText
view canvas (the canvas is passed into the overridden onDraw()
method). The super.onDraw() method is called before the method ends. The superclass method should be invoked, but in this case, we do it at the end after we have painted the lines we want to include.
这个自定义的组件在xml中被当作一个通用的view创建.而且这个类用具体的包名引用.注意我们定义的这个内部类使用 NoteEditor$MyEditText记号在java 程序中被引用.
Notice that the MyEditText
class is now a separate class file. When the class is nested in the NoteEditor
class, this technique will not work.
And that's all there is to it. Admittedly this is a simple case, but that's the point — creating custom components is only as complicated as you need it to be.
A more sophisticated component may override even more on...
methods and introduce some of its own helper methods, substantially customizing its properties and behavior. The only limit is your imagination and what you need the component to do.