Chargeback vs. Refund





Refund = customer requests their moneyback and you say it is okay [regular refund], customer has a duplicate order[refund - duplicate], or a person calls about fraud and we can confirm theorder is indeed fraudulent [refund - fraudulent].

for refunds, you give your % back and RN gives their % back to the customer. RegNow paysall extra cc processing fees incured.

Chargebacks = a customer contacts their bank claiming fraudlentcharge and the bank takes the money away from RegNow. RegNow pays your [the client's] % + our % backto the customer. This means that you [the client] do not lose any money when achargeback occurs. In addition to paying your % back to the customer, RegNow paysall incured bankfees [little as $15 as much as 50$] per order.

Who charge the processing fee?

Refund transaction has reference refundand non-reference refund.

Referencerefund means the refund is based on the original transaction, when do therefund, must send the original transaction id and the refund amount should notexceed the original amount. Normallypayment processors accept the multiple refunds, and there is an expiration dateto do refund. Cybersource indicates thiswithin 60 days
Nonreference refund means the refund is not based on the original transaction,when do the refund, no need to send original transaction information exceptcard number, expiry date, and the refund amount could be any amount.

Only some of payment processors support non reference refund, e.g.Moneris (independent refund), Paymentech, Cybersource( Stand-Alone credits)
