Neo4j: mvn project and compile

I  build a mvn project in eclipse to add some neo4j server plugins and unmanaged extentions. When I run

mvn clean install

the result jar package just has the classes in my own project not include related dependencies such as spring data neo4j jars.

when add the following codes in pom.xml


and run 

mvn clean compile assembly:single

the result jar include all dependencies classes, also include the neo4j jars, which i expect the final jar exclude the neo4j classes that provoided by neo4j server.


Actually, using eclipse pom.xml editor to check the dependencies tree, find out neo4j related jars transitive dependencied by which jar, and exclude it  with the following sinppet




Some others suggest using shade plugin to exclude some dependencies, I tried but faild without any clues

but I keep it in the pom.xml and  using it to package the final jar




mvn clean package shade:shade


use the command to show project dependencies

mvn dependency:tree -Ddetail=true



when I deploy my extentions jar with spring data neo4j related dependencies in plugins dir of neo4j server

I start neo4j server.      in



015-03-27 02:52:09.410+0000 ERROR [o.n.s.CommunityBootstrapper]: 
Failed to start Neo Server on port [7474]
 Starting Neo4j Server failed: Configuration problem: 
Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace 
Offending resource: class path resource 


google result helps


altering pom.xml



Note: must add the shade pulgin as above, otherwise it doesn't work to tranform










