• Blocks combine multiple statements into a single unit.
• Can be used when a single statement is expected.
• Creates a local scope (variables declared inside are local tothe block).
• Blocks can be nested.
int x=0;
int y =0; / ∗ both x and y v i s i b l e ∗ /
/ ∗ o n l y x v i s i b l e ∗ /
• goto allows you to jump unconditionally to arbitrary part ofyour code (within the same function).
• the location is identified using a label.
• a label is a named location in the code. It has the same formas a variable followed by a ’:’
start :
if ( cond )
goto outside ;
/ ∗ some code ∗ /
goto start;
/ ∗ outside block ∗ /
Standard input and output
int putchar(int )
• putchar(c) puts the character c onthe standard output.
• it returns the character printedor EOF on error.
int getchar()
• returns the next character fromstandard input.
• it returns EOF on error.
Since we will be reading and writing strings, here is a briefdigression
• strings are represented as an array of characters
• C does not restrict the length of the string. The end of thestring is specified using 0.
For instance, "hello" is represented using the array{’h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,’\0’}.
Declaration examples:
• char str []="hello"; /∗compiler takes care ofsize∗/
• char str[10]="hello"; /∗make sure the array islarge enough∗/
• char str []={ ’h’,’e’,’l’,’l’,0};
Note: use \" if you want the string to contain "
最常用String声明的就是charstr[] = "hello";这种方式最简单,并且程序员不必这个字符去数并冒着数错的风险来分配内存(想想都觉得boring),但存在的问题是这种声明方式隐藏了\0,C中的字符串结束符。C中的字符串表示很简单,使用一个以\0结尾的字符数组即可。
So far, we have read from the standard input and written to thestandard output. C allows us to read data from text/binary filesusing fopen().
FILE∗ fopen(char name[],char mode[])
• mode can be "r" (readonly),"w" (write only),"a" (append) among otheroptions. "b" can be appended for binary files.
• fopen returns a pointer to the filestream if it exists or NULL otherwise.
• We don’t need to know thedetails of the FILE data type.
• Important: The standard input andoutput are also FILE* datatypes (stdin,stdout).
• Important: stderr corresponds tostandard error output(different from stdout).
int fclose(FILE∗ fp)
• closes the stream (releases OSresources).
• fclose() is automatically calledon all open files when program terminate
File input
int getc(FILE∗ fp)
• reads a single character from thestream.
• returns the character read or EOFon error/end of file.
Note: getchar simply uses the standard input to read a character.We can implement it as follows:
#define getchar() getc(stdin )
char[] fgets(char line [], int maxlen, FILE∗ fp)
• reads a single line (upto maxlencharacters) from the input stream (including linebreak).
• returns a pointer to the characterarray that stores the line(read-only)
• return NULL if end of stream.
int putc(int c,FILE∗ fp)
• writes a single character c to theoutput stream.
• returns the character written orEOF on error.
Note: putchar simply uses the standard output to write acharacter. We can implement it as follows:
#define putchar(c) putc(c,stdout)
int fputs(char line [], FILE∗ fp)
• writes a single line to the outputstream.
• returns zero on success, EOFotherwise.
int fscanf(FILE∗ fp,char format[], arg1,arg2)
• similar to scanf,sscanf
• reads items from input stream fp.
int main(int argc,char∗ argv[])
• argc: count of arguments.
• argv[]: an array of pointers toeach of the arguments
• note: the arguments include thename of the program as well.
• ./cat a.txt b.txt
(argc=3,argv[0]="cat"argv[1]="a.txt" argv[2]="b.txt")
• ./cat