6.087 Practical Programming in C, lec6

User-defined datatypes, structs, unions, bitfields. Memory allocation. Linked lists, binary trees.


Definition: A structure is a collection of related variables (ofpossibly different types) grouped together under a single name.

• Variables can be declared like any other built in data-type.

struct point ptA;

• Initialization is done by specifying values of every member.

struct point ptA={10,20};

• Assignment operator copies every member of the structure (becareful with pointers).



• Individual members can be accessedusing ’.’ operator.

struct point pt={10,20}; int x=pt.x; int y=pt.y;

• If structure is nested, multiple’.’ are required

struct rectangle


struct point tl;/∗ top left ∗/

struct point br; /∗ bot right ∗/

} ;

struct rectangle rect;

int tlx = rect.tl.x; /∗ nested ∗/

int tly = rect.tl.y ;


Structure pointers

• Structures are copied element wise.

• For large structures it is moreefficient to pass pointers.

void foo(struct point ∗ pp);

struct point pt;

foo(&pt) ;

• Members can be accesses fromstructure pointers using ’->’ operator.

struct point p = { 10, 20 };

struct point ∗ pp=&p;

pp−>x = 10; / ∗ changes p . x∗ /

int y = pp−>y ; /∗ same as y=p .y ∗/

Other ways to access structure members?

struct point p = { 10, 20 };

struct point ∗ pp=&p;

(∗pp).x = 10; /∗ changes p.x ∗/

int y = (∗pp).y; /∗ same as y=p.y ∗/

why is the () required?


Arrays of structures

• Declaring arrays of int: int x[10];

• Declaring arrays of structure:struct point p[10];

• Initializing arrays of int: int x[4]={0,20,10,2};

• Initializing arrays of structure:

struct point p[3]={0,1,10,20,30,12};

struct point p[3]={{0,1},{10,20},{30,12}};


Size of structures

• The size of a structure is greaterthan or equal to the sum of the sizes of its members.

• Alignment

struc t{

char c ;

/ ∗ padding ∗/

int i ;

• Why is this an important issue?libraries, precompiled files, SIMD instructions.

• Members can be explicitly alignedusing compiler extensions.

__attribute__ (( aligned(x ))) /∗gcc∗/

__declspec((aligned(x))) /∗MSVC∗/



A union is a variable that may holdobjects of different types/sizes in the same memory location.Example:

union data


int idata;

float fdata ;

char ∗ sdata ;

}d1, d2, d3;

d1.idata =10;

d1.fdata =3.14F ;

d1. sdata="hello world" ;


Dynamic memory allocation

void∗ malloc(size_t n)

• malloc()allocates blocks of memory

• returns apointer to unitialized block of memory on success

• returns NULLon failure.

• the returnedvalue should be cast to appropriate type using ().


void∗ calloc( size_t n,size_t size)

• allocates anarray of n elements each of which is ’size’ bytes.

• initializesmemory to 0

void free(void∗)

• Frees memoryallocated my malloc()

• Common error:accessing memory after calling free


Linked list

Definition: A dynamic data structure that consists of a sequenceof records where each element contains a link to the next record inthe sequence.

• Linked lists can be singly linked, doubly linked or circular.

For now, we will focus on singlylinked list.

• Every node has a payload and a link to the next node in thelist.

• The start (head) of the list is maintained in a separatevariable.

• End of the list is indicated by NULL (sentinel).



Binary trees

• A binary tree is a dynamic data structure where each node hasat most two children. A binary search tree is a binary tree withordering among its children.

• Usually, all elements in the left subtree are assumed to be”less” than the root element and all elements in the rightsubtree are assumed to be "greater" than the root element.

