蓝牙耳机在 ubuntu 8.04 的配对

Bluetooth Stereo Headset A2DP Pairing in Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy

Well, I got my HTC stereo a2dp headset in. 

While pairing was very straight-forward on my WinMo phone, it wasnt quite so obvious in Ubuntu.

(对8.04下的版本而言, 因取消了gbscto)

The problem is like any other Bluetooth device in Ubuntu you simply click on the Bluetooth icon, select “Browse Device”, and an authentication pop-up appears.   Apparently behind the scenes the gnome bluetooth manager is trying to establish an OBEX file connection with the device which a Headset generally does not have, thus you will get an OBEX error before the pairing process is complete.  Instead you need to establish an audio connection with it to trigger the authentication process, which seemingly the gnome bluetooth manager cannot do via a GUI. 转文件会弹出认证窗口?

Here is what I did (based on http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices):

Determine the MAC address of the headset.  Place device in discovery mode and run
# hcitool scan
Copy the MAC address of the BT adapter

Setup BT Master Mode for devices (avoid skipping):
- Create file /etc/default/hcid.conf  (replace XX with your mac address)

device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX {
name “HTC Headset”;
auth enable;
lm master;
passkey “0000″;

- Create personal ALSA sound profile as ~/.asoundrc
pcm.bluetooth {
type bluetooth
device XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
profile “hifi”

Initiate a connection and start the pairing process
# mplayer -ao alsa:device=bluetooth someaudiofile.mp3

Gnome will popup an authentication dialog, enter in your passkey, and your device will be forever paired in the system.  Done.



** For General Pulse System Audio  **
- Install PulseAudio Volume Control:
# apt-get install pavucontrol
- Load modules for bluetooth:

# pactl load-module module-alsa-sink device=bluetooth
# pactl load-module module-alsa-source device=bluetooth

- Run a program using PulseAudio
# totem
- Run PulseAudio Volume Control:
# pavucontrol
- Right Click playback audio source and select “Bluetooth”.
- Whoila
