How to insert SuperColumn into Cassandra with Java

These days I am studying Cassandra and want to insert the SuperColumn into Cassandra with hector, which is high level Java API for Cassandra.I can't find an good example about the issue. Tons of folks are also asking the same question. So I write this example. May it help you.

There are 2 approaches to insert super column. One is using ColumnPath by setting super column name, the other is using batch_insert method. Here my code is:

package com.wwj.cassandra.test;

import static me.prettyprint.cassandra.utils.StringUtils.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.ColumnPath;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.SuperColumn;

import me.prettyprint.cassandra.dao.Command;
import me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.Keyspace;

public class SuperColumnUtils {
    private static int port = 9160;

    private static String keyspace = "Keyspace1";
    private static String cassandraServer = "";
    private static String superColumnFamily = "Super2";

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
	SuperColumnUtils.insertSuperColumn("20100719", "L.A", "BigNews", "Join Kobe's Summer Camp");
	SuperColumnUtils.insertSuperColumn("20100719", "L.A", "Weather", "Hot");
	SuperColumn sc = SuperColumnUtils.getSuperColumn("20100719", "L.A");
	SuperColumnUtils.insertSuperColumn("20100719", "AppleCity", "BigNews", "Why Lebron won't come");
	SuperColumnUtils.insertSuperColumn("20100719", "AppleCity", "Weather", "Rain");
	sc = SuperColumnUtils.getSuperColumn("20100719", "AppleCity");
	 * Use Cassandra command line to do query. The result is like the
	 * following: 
	 * Cassandra> get Keyspace1.Super2['20100719'] 
	 * =>    (super_column=L.A, 
	 *             (column=BigNews, value=Join Kobe's Summer Camp, timestamp=1279529604122000) 
	 *             (column=Weather, value=Hot, timestamp=1279529604153000)) 
	 * =>    (super_column=AppleCity,
	 *             (column=BigNews, value=Why Lebron won't come,timestamp=1279529604169000) 
	 *             (column=Weather, value=Rain, timestamp=1279529604169000)) 
	 * Returned 2 results.

	SuperColumn superColumn = new SuperColumn();
	superColumn.addToColumns(new Column(bytes("BigNews"), bytes("Celtics re-signed Paul Pierce"), System.currentTimeMillis()));
	superColumn.addToColumns(new Column(bytes("Weather"), bytes("Cold"), System.currentTimeMillis()));
	SuperColumnUtils.batchInsertSuperColumn("20100719", superColumn);
	sc = SuperColumnUtils.getSuperColumn("20100719", "Boston");


     * Insert one column for a SuperColumn by specifying the ColumnPath
     * You need call the method many times if a super column has more than one column.
     * @param key
     *            - the value of key
     * @param superColumnNam
     *            - The name of SuperColumn
     * @param columnName
     *            - The column name to be inserted.
     * @param value
     *            - The value of column to be inserted.
     * @throws Exception
    public static void insertSuperColumn(final String key, final String superColumnName, final String columnName,
	    final String value) throws Exception {
	execute(new Command<Void>() {
	    public Void execute(Keyspace ks) throws Exception {
		ks.insert(key, createSupercolumnPath(columnName, superColumnName), bytes(value));
		return null;


     * Insert all columns of a super column at the same time.
     * @param key - the value of key.
     * @param superColumn - a super column
     * @throws Exception
    public static void  batchInsertSuperColumn(final String key, final SuperColumn superColumn) throws Exception{
	execute(new Command<Void>() {
	    public Void execute(Keyspace ks) throws Exception {
		//Key is the name of super column
		Map<String, List<SuperColumn>> superColumnMap = new HashMap<String, List<SuperColumn>>();
		List<SuperColumn> list = new ArrayList(1);
		superColumnMap.put(superColumnFamily, list);
		ks.batchInsert(key, null, superColumnMap);
		return null;

    public static SuperColumn getSuperColumn(final String key, final String superColumnName) throws Exception {
	SuperColumn sc = execute(new Command<SuperColumn>() {
	    public SuperColumn execute(Keyspace ks) throws Exception {
		ColumnPath columnPath = new ColumnPath(superColumnFamily);

		return ks.getSuperColumn(key, columnPath);

	return sc;

    private static <T> T execute(Command<T> command) throws Exception {
	return command.execute(cassandraServer, port, keyspace);

    private static ColumnPath createSupercolumnPath(String columnName, String superColumn) {
	ColumnPath columnPath = new ColumnPath(superColumnFamily);

	return columnPath;

    private static void printSuperColumn(SuperColumn sc) {
	System.out.println("super_column=" + string(sc.getName()) + ", (");
	List<Column> columns = sc.getColumns();
	for (Column column : columns) {
	    System.out.println("    column=" + string(column.getName()) + ", value=" + string(column.getValue())
		    + ", timestamp=" + column.getTimestamp());

