Flume: morphline sink with solr 5.1.0

1.  down flume 1.5.2 source code and change solr version to 5.1.0 

2. compile  and install

3. cp solr 4.10.1 related jars to lib dir  to sove this error

CloudSolrServer' (current frame, stack[2]) is not assignable to 'org/apache/solr/client/solrj/SolrServer


4. alter solr's schema.xml  for some fieldtype  to dealwith these errors

change distanceUnits="kilometers"  =====>     units="degrees"


SolrException: Must specify units="degrees" on field types with class SpatialRecursivePrefixTreeFieldType

SolrException: Must specify units="degrees" on field types with class BBoxField


But, there are  still some confilcts  such as

SolrException: Could not find collection  (Due to using solr-solrj-4.10.1.jar  to access solr 5.1.0 cloud)


org/kitesdk/morphline/solr/SolrLocator', 'org/apache/solr/client/solrj/impl/CloudSolrServer


The kitesdk jars still can't support solr5.1.0 till now.  So, only way is to modify kitesdk !


You should replace kite-morphlines-solr-core-0.12.0.jar with the new jar which support solr5.1.0



alter solrcloud configure files in zookeeper

1. #zkCli.sh

   #ls /

  #rmr  /configs/fifo_task


2. use solr's zkCli.sh to upload configure files to zookeeper

#./scripts/cloud-scripts/zkcli.sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost -collection task -confname fifo_task -solrhome solr -confdir solr/configsets/fifo_configs/conf

3. unload cores in solr webui and then load them.




