Data Types
This topic lists the data types most commonly used in the Microsoft Foundation Class Library. Most of the data types are exactly the same as those in the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK), while others are unique to MFC.
Commonly used Windows SDK and MFC data types are as follows: BOOL A Boolean value.
BSTR A 32-bit character pointer.
BYTE An 8-bit integer that is not signed.
COLORREF A 32-bit value used as a color value.
DWORD A 32-bit unsigned integer or the address of a segment and its associated offset.
LONG A 32-bit signed integer.
LPARAM A 32-bit value passed as a parameter to a window procedure or callback function.
LPCSTR A 32-bit pointer to a constant character string.
LPSTR A 32-bit pointer to a character string.
LPCTSTR A 32-bit pointer to a constant character string that is portable for Unicode and DBCS.
LPTSTR A 32-bit pointer to a character string that is portable for Unicode and DBCS.
LPVOID A 32-bit pointer to an unspecified type.
LRESULT A 32-bit value returned from a window procedure or callback function.
UINT A 16-bit unsigned integer on Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1; a 32-bit unsigned integer on Win32.
WNDPROC A 32-bit pointer to a window procedure.
WORD A 16-bit unsigned integer.
WPARAM A value passed as a parameter to a window procedure or callback function: 16 bits on Windows versions 3.0 and 3.1; 32 bits on Win32.
Data types unique to the Microsoft Foundation Class Library include the following:
POSITION A value used to denote the position of an element in a collection; used by MFC collection classes. LPCRECT A 32-bit pointer to a constant (nonmodifiable) RECT structure.
THandle是对象的句柄,很多Windows API函数都会返回THandle类型的值,用来标识Windows内部对象跟踪表中的对象。Delphi里是定义成LongWord。
相应的等同于 i := i+n ;(n指相应的增量)
HANDLE(句柄)是windows操作系统中的一个概念。在window程序中,有各种各样的资源(窗口、图标、光标等),系统在创建这些资源时会为它们分配内存,并返回标示这些资源的标示号,即句柄。句柄指的是一个核心对象在某一个进程中的唯一索引,而不是指针。由于地址空间的限制,句柄所标识的内容对进程是不可见的,只能由操作系统通过进程句柄列表来进行维护。句柄列表: 每个进程都要创建一个句柄列表,这些句柄指向各种系统资源,比如信号量,线程,和文件等,进程中的所有线程都可以访问这些资源。