jQuery this揭秘

jQuery this揭秘


In many object-oriented programming languages, this (or self) is a keyword which can be used in instance methods to refer to the object on which the currently executing method has been invoked.



There are really two main contexts of 'this' in jQuery. The first refers to a to a DOM element, and the second to a jQuery object.


Example of this as a DOM element


'this' is a DOM element when you are inside of a callback function (in the context of jQuery), for example, being called by the click, each, bind, etc. methods.

this在jQuery的回调函数,如click,each, bind等方法时是一个DOM元素。

$('a.newTarget').each(function() { // <- our anonymous callback // check the DOM attribute 'host' on this if (this.host != window.location.host) { // create a jQuery object using the current DOM element $(this).attr('target', '_new'); } });

Example of this as a jQuery object


'this' is a jQuery object when you are inside your own jQuery functions. Note that the result of a selector query (i.e. $('a') ) is a jQuery object, which is an array of the matchedDOM elements(imagine jQuery is an array with bells on).


注: 一个选择器查询,如$('a')的结果是一个jQuery对象,其实是由一组DOM元素组成的数组。

jQuery.fn.newTarget = function() { // 'this' is a jQuery object at this point - with all the jQuery functions return this.each(function() { // return so we don't break the chain // now we are inside of a jQuery function, the DOM element is the context // so 'this' has changed to become a DOM element. if (this.host != window.location.host) { $(this).attr('target', '_new'); } }); };

Finishing up


This is far from comprehensive, but equally there's very little to the logic. So long as you remember thecontext of 'this' changeswhen moving in and out of object methods then you're on your way.

以上远不足以使你理解jQuery中this的用法。但是只要当你move int and out of 对象时谨记this改变的上下文,then you're on your way.

If you're still not sure, get your hands onFirebugand add 'console.log(this)' within your code to interrogate and understand what 'this' is at that point in your code.

