ext js findChild

var node = TreePanel.root.findChild( String attribute, Mixed value ) ;
但是我调用了方法之后 火狐一直报错 node为null;
后来安装了spket之后 翻看源代码
findChild : function(attribute, value, deep){
        return this.findChildBy(function(){
            return this.attributes[attribute] == value;
        }, null, deep);

     * Finds the first child by a custom function. The child matches if the function passed returns <code>true</code>.
     * @param {Function} fn A function which must return <code>true</code> if the passed Node is the required Node.
     * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope (<code>this</code> reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Node being tested.
     * @param {Boolean} deep (Optional) True to search through nodes deeper than the immediate children
     * @return {Node} The found child or null if none was found
    findChildBy : function(fn, scope, deep){
        var cs = this.childNodes,
            len = cs.length,
            i = 0,
        for(; i < len; i++){
            n = cs[i];
            if(fn.call(scope || n, n) === true){
                return n;
            }else if (deep){
                res = n.findChildBy(fn, scope, deep);
                if(res != null){
                    return res;
        return null;

findChild : function(attribute, value, deep){

原来还隐含了一个参数deep ,默认为false 只查找到他的子节点,
把他设为true 可以查找到root下的所有子孙节点。

