


OSCAR is an integrated front end of the HOST back-end banking applications. It is also to collaborate the back-end products with additional business logic to enhance the automation and usability of the applications. Therefore, OSCAR highly depends on the interfaces with Host.

• Systematic is developed under mainframe and is already live in many countries.

• IBM product  (WebSphere Application Server, MQ) was selected since Host integration is the key component for OSCAR. MQ Series and CICS transaction Gateway (CTG) were evaluated. MQ series was selected as it provides better support for regional application. CTG will result in single point of failure if the “cclclnt” (CICS client process running in AIX) is killed or down.
• 3 Tiers of application architecture is designed to segregate the presentation layer, business logic, data access layer and integration layer

Presentation Layer
• Java View Bean

Business logic/Controller
• OSCAR Generic Servlet
• Business Component Specific Servlet

Data Access & Integration Layer
• DB access Bean
• Transportation or communication Java Bean
• MLI Bean

• Simple infrastructure and architecture to minimize single point of failures
• Since OSCAR relies on host application, DB2 was chosen, as business/transactions data are stored in DB2.
• The design needs to address failover and workload management (WebSphere, MQ and Web server) as partial users community are CitiPhone Officers.
• Web page size shall be in average between 15KB and 20KB.
• From web page to web page navigation shall be in average within 3 seconds response time.
• Web design will be compliant to Citigroup Intranet standard and policy.
• Fully compliant to CISO standard and policy
• Design is based on J2EE standard
• Simplify and automate deployment process

I mainly support OSCAR system.
Oscar, One Stop Cutomer Activity and Resolution,
is financial platform which grouped modules as meaningful package and bring about ease of daily operation to bank users.
Thin clint Web-based pakcage
Function for this system,
Banking, Customer Relationship Management, Service Management System, Investment, Quick screen.
Banking include Financial Service, Account Service, Profile Maintenance, Relationship Maintenance, Credit Initiation, Teller and Signature.

Hi Frank,

Please kindly review my 2013 goals as below.
Support Spain Oscar 100% independently
Reduce the IR rate for new projects to 0
Analysis BRD and provide more satisfied solution for biz
Schedule the monthly and normal release properly
Help BA to complete the sizing and related doc
Help new guys to involve in construct, SIT, UAT and PROD process
Help new guys to join in normal meeting, support monthly release and simple project independently
Try to support more countries for Rainbow projects
Comply with CSTS’s regular 100%
Goal #1
GOAL #1 Product Quality and Delivery
• To achieve agreed turnaround time for SEV 1 or 2 defects/IRs
• To ensure supported applications availability:  99.95%
• To ensure 100% completion of deliverables on time and upload accordingly
• No more than 3 production problems caused by new changes
• Reduce number of Emergency changes to 3% (SEV1 /EMS)
• Demonstrate continuous improvement by reduction of Severity 1/EMS incidents by 10% compared with 2012
• To ensure resource plan and planview clocking consistent with allocated bugdet
• To engage myself and more staffs in the Rainbow BAU related work. Starting with UK IPB, and preparing to support new countries.
• To make sure all the changes are being crossly tested before SIT start.
Goal #2
GOAL #2 Compliance, Risk and financial control
• To comply with all compliances requirement such as Planview On Time Clocking, Protection of Password etc.
• To instill importance of compliance and ensure there is no findings within team and passing coming audit
• To provide feasible suggestion to enhance compliance, risk control
• To save cost by optimizing team structure and  rightshoring of resource
Goal #3
GOAL #3 Training
• To ensure completion of all nominated or refresh training on time
• To ensure all new staff joining required training in first 3 month
• To ensure 95% of team member joined at least one training course organized by unit or company
Goal #4
GOAL #4 Pepole and Culture
• 100% of my one-down will identify successors and work out effective development plan  and keep track of it
• To ensure 100% of participation of VOE and reach 80% satisfaction
• Recognize staff with good performance
• Conduct regular 1-on-1 talk with team members and provide feedback promptly

The projects I worked on this year have few issue during the SIT, UAT and PROD. I’m working on the IR/NWO analyst, discussion and document writing. 
And I also guild new staff to complete the project on time. I’m familiar with the Spain Oscar and  the process for my daily work.
I share my good experience with others and help new staff to start the work easily.
I help Spain biz to solve all the confusion on time as well as the business suggestion. Users are very satisfied with our high quality solutions.
I always try to find the root cause for any issue. And I also can help other members to solve the issues and confusion. I’m responsible for all the work assigned to me and can get a good result.
I never completed the work over the timeline. I join kinds of meetings during the normal releases. I think I already have a good speaking and writing English. Sometimes, I still can’t got India guys means. 
I have a good communication with my team members. We help each other in our daily work. For other teams, we always can work together to complete a complex task.
I never violate any compliance rules.
