Keystroke mappings in WebMatrix

Most of the keystrokes you can use in WebMatrix are pretty familiar – Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V to copy/paste, of course, plus Ctrl+F4 to close a tabbed doc, plus F3 for search. But there are a few that are not as obvious. Here's a list of everything (AFAIK):

CloseTab Control+F4
CloseTab Control+W
CycleToNextTab Control+Tab
CycleToPreviousTab Control+Shift+Tab
TabDropDownMenu Control+Shift+T
CloseSite Control+Shift+F4
LaunchSiteInBrowser F12
Workspace1 Control+Shift+D1
Workspace2 Control+Shift+D2
Workspace3 Control+Shift+D3
Workspace4 Control+Shift+D4
Workspace5 Control+Shift+D5
WorkspaceNext Control+Shift+W
AddExistingFile Control+Alt+A
Find Control+F
GoToLine Control+G
NewFindNext Control+F3
NewFindPrevious Control+Shift+F3
NewFromTemplate Control+N
Open Control+O
QuickFindNext F3
QuickFindPrevious Shift+F3
Replace Control+H
SelectAll Control+A
Copy Control+C
Copy Control+Insert
Cut Control+X
Cut Shift+Delete
Paste Control+V
Paste Shift+Insert
Redo Control+Shift+Z
Redo Control+Y
Save Control+S
SaveAll Control+Shift+S
Undo Control+Z
Refresh F5

A couple of notes:
  • As you can see, a number of tasks are mapped to multiple keystrokes.
  • D1-D5 refer to the digits 1-5 on the keyboard.
  • F5 to refresh is fine for those used to it with browsers, but is going to be a bit confusing for those used to F5 launching the debugger in Visual Studio. :-)
What's a little remarkable (to me, anyway) is that this is all from a simple text file, which you can find here:

C:\program files\Microsoft WebMatrix\config\hotkeys.txt

What's more, you can change this file. I don't know what the constraints are, but my experiments with making small changes (e.g., Control+Alt+A to Control+Alt+E) worked fine. (Note however that this is a protected file, so I had to launch Notepad as an admin user in order to be able to save changes.) If you want to play with this, please note:
  • Make a backup first!
  • This is an entirely unsupported activity, so you sure as heck didn't get the idea to do this from me.
