timeout during allocate / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV'. (IES 10901) (WIS 10901)

When you run a WEBI report off an universe which is created from a BEx query, you might get error timeout during allocate / CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPCMRCV'. (IES 10901) (WIS 10901)  

At the sametime, connection test to RFC destination MDX PARSER at BW side fails.


Here is a note addressing this issue 1032461.

"The MDX parser is an executable program that is installed with the
kernel. The file name is mdxsvr.exe.
The communication between ABAP and MDX parser is carried out in binary
format and the MDX parser works internally with UTF-8. Therefore, there
is no special UNICODE version of the MDX parser and so the current
NON-UNICODE RFC library is required


Please do download the non-unicode version of librfc which should have a an "u" with the file name.
