【oneday_onepage】——Microsoft adds a wing, more closets to the homes of SharePoint Online tenants

To prevent SharePoint Online customers from feeling boxed in, Microsoft wants to improve the way they upload and store documents in the platform, Office 365's cloud collaboration server.

Over the coming weeks, Microsoft will roll out a set of changes to Office 365 targeted at SharePoint Online users, including increasing from 250M bytes to 2G bytes the size of files that people can upload to their individual SkyDrive Pro repositories and to SharePoint Online team site document libraries, the company said on Thursday in a blog post.

The enhancements are in response to companies' increased use of Office 365, according to the blog post's author, Mark Kashman. "Users are uploading more documents to SkyDrive Pro, teams are building numerous team sites to work with internal teams as well as with external customers and partners, and companies are establishing their corporate intranet sites," he wrote.


In addition to lifting the size limit on individual uploads, Microsoft has expanded the types of files that can be uploaded by adding .exe and .dll files.

Another change will be to increase from 3,000 to 10,000 the number of site collections -- groups of websites organized hierarchically -- that an Office 365 Enterprise customer can create. This improvement will not be applied to Office 365 Small Business and Midsize Business customers.

Microsoft is also prolonging the time that discarded documents remain in SharePoint Online recycle bins from 30 days to 90 days to give users more chance to recover these items. In addition, retaining multiple versions of Office 365 documents will be on by default on newly created SkyDrive Pro libraries.

Thursday's announcement comes shortly after Microsoft increased SkyDrive Pro storagefrom 7G bytes to 25G bytes and doubled the size of Exchange Online mailboxes to 50G bytes.


为了防止SharePoint Online的用户感到不友好,微软希望改善他们在平台上上传文件和搜藏文档的方式,Office365的云协作服务器。
接下来的几个星期中,微软将会为SharePoint Online用户们推出一套更新。包括上传文件从250M增长到2G。用户可以上传到他们的个人SkyDrive空间或者是SharePoint Online团队的网络文档库。公司在星期二在一篇博客上写的。
这一功能的增强直接导致Office 365的用户增多。就像那篇博客的作者 Mark Kashman所写的“用户可以上传更多的文档到SkyDrive Pro,团队可以建立更多的团队网站去和内部团队工作以及外部的用户和合作伙伴,公司正在建立他们自己的内部企业网站”。
除了提升个人上传文件的大小的界限,微软还扩展了上传文件的类型,添加了.exe .dll文件类型。
群体层次结构组织的网站——任何一个Office 365的客户都可以创建的。这一改进将不会应用到Office 365的小型企业和中性企业客户中。
微软会延长被丢弃的文件在SharePoint Online中的保留时间,为了让用户有更多的机会恢复他们的文件,时间从30天延长到90天。另外,保留多个版本的Office 365文件将在默认情况下在新创建的SkyDrive Pro库。
周四的公布不久,微软增加SkyDrive Pro存储空间从7G到25G和交换网络邮箱增加一倍到50G。
